, Sunny, clear and quite cool.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Freed Holland commemorated Palliser and laundry:


~~Our PM and wife visit my old country for liberation week and more no doubt, Herman’s end quote hit’s the spot and laundry cycles.~~

In my old country this evening people will remember the fallen of the Second World War, with the emphasis on the civilians. They were killed the hostages, reprisal victims and resistance fighters and are front and center of this event. There were of course soldiers too, who were killed in the few battles of 1940 and those of the Princess Irene Brigade who helped liberate the country in 1945.

This year our Prime Minister and his wife are visiting the Netherlands for a whole week, taking part in the various ceremonies and the liberation festivities tomorrow. We’ll keep in mind that there is an election scheduled for the fall and I suspects that Steve Harper and/or his wife have Dutch connections, if not roots. Trouw - the Dutch news site - will tell on that without a doubt, if true.

Trouw means true(!) as well as steadfast and faithful. It started as an underground news paper in the later years of the war. Some of their staff were executed as resistance workers.

However, the clincher for me was the closing quote, taken from Kierkegaard which says: ‘Life is a mystery to be lived’.

I connected with my friends again at the Palliser yesterday. Jack handed me printed comments on the five principles of Existence Divine that I wrote about a week or so ago. I need to study his comments and compare them again with my own text. Jack tends to give his reactions in creative ways, adding in what he feels is missing from his perspective.

Herman’s talk on Faith took in many sources in the form of quotes and stories. However, the clincher for me was the closing quote, taken from which says: ‘Life is a mystery to be lived’. This is very close to my view that we live in the mystery that is Existence, but a knowable mystery, as is evident from what we know and keep dis-covering!

The first laundry load is due in about five minutes, so it is time to get ready for that. And to continue now at 9:07am with the change over due in about thirty minutes. Coming back up from the laundry area I met Michelle going down with her bike, preparing to role to work!

I plan to take more of my ‘spring pictures’ this afternoon. This with the intention to use them as illustrations in my Daily Entry category and put to the test my redesigned and streamlined image scaling routines! The ones I worked so hard on, about two weeks ago. I need to iron out some wrinkles to have a smooth operating process, but that can best be sorted out in a series of daily applications. So, I wish my self smooth sailing!

Writings: Earlier thoughts rediscovered:


~~I muse about my the ambulating nature of my thinking and record old insights from early 2005.~~

When I started my study of the Maya, in prep for my talk of last March, I used a cahier that was blank except for the first five pages. These contained some long forgotten thought and images, which I now want to elaborate on for a bit.

The title page reads: ‘To Creatively Express The Transcendent in my Life.’ and is date 2005 -Jan - 9. Sun, Am. The next page is blank, with writing on pages 3 and 4, while page five graphically explores the ‘Yin-Yang’ symbol.

The dates are intriguing for their gaps, as follows: Jan-9 and 10 for pages 3 and 4 respectively, with the fifth page dated December the twelfth! The year 2005 was quite unusual for me. On January 17 Dianne and I set of to Encinitas, California, which we combined with the ’Bleep’ seminar and in September my sister Els visited for six weeks.

This discovery of new ideas that were already discovered previously, is a phenomenon that I have come across in my writings going back into the early seventies.

What intrigues me now [laundry time and back again at 10:11am, but I’m working on a coffee.] is that page three is titled “The Continuity of Consciousness”, [ at 10:23am continuing after that coffee break!].

Namely, in that I have been working with the idea of ‘continuity of consciousness’ over the last year or so, but thinking that this was a newly discovered notion for me! This discovery of new ideas that were already discovered previously, is a phenomenon that I have come across in my writings going back into the early seventies.

This recycling of ideas is a recurring happening and is part of our thought processes as we frame our daily experiences. I call it my thoughtful ambulation or walk-abouts, as the native people of the continent of Australia call it. use a term ‘circum-ambulation’, but I find that a bit too ‘round-about’ so to speak!

Since this continuity topic is current with me at this time, I will record the seven items that are listed on this page 3, as follows.

    Title line: The Continuity of Consciousness, 2005 - 01 - 09/ 9:30am.

  1. - Results of ‘99 -’03/04 Journey. (Continuity of Consciousness)
  2. - Consciousness in Humans is still evolving; I.e. it is not complete or [has] reached its final state.
  3. [Time for the last laundry dry cycle at 10:40am, followed by lunch, now 11:21am.] - Human Evolution is very recent, 80ky may be.
  4. - Classical Evolution (biological; a blind process) reached an end in humans with the Brain - mind consciousness state. Evolution is now up to humans to take it further - Language - script - printing - computer, sciences.
  5. - Internal & External worlds of the psyche must be explored.
  6. - Continuity of existence as it is un-[der]-lain by quantum behaviour of elementary energy wavelet/ particles. This is the common ground that underlies the appearance of existence in the different forms as we experience these in our day-to-day reality.
  7. - Our task [is] to find other islands of consciousness in the universe.
End of page 3.
[Laundry intermezzo and conclusion from 11:30 to 11:45am.]

What follows is the text of page 4.
2005 - 01 - 10; 11:+ pm.

Integration of Experience leads to greater Consciousness.
- Existence is eternal.
- Experience in existence gives awareness.
- Conflicts in aware experience gives consciousness.
- Integration of experiences in awareness & consciousness expand
conscious awareness to include a layer/ greater part of existence and ENRICH the experience of existence.


-- Human-[s] exist in a state of creating potential that is guided by the life philosophy held by the person. Do I contribute to further evolution process or do I get/ take as much out of life as possible? - or do I some of both?

Personally, I - Antonie D. Vander Vliet act & live from an attitude of gracious gratitude and one aimed/ intended to enhance the evolution of humankind in a conscious & ethical manner.

-- Every religion is necessary, but all are not sufficient until we understand the process of mankind’s arising to consciousness. End of page 4 text.
Page five is graphical in content and remains to be added later.

Daily Entry: 2015-05-04

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