, Friday. Mix of sun and clouds, but below normal temps …, that is snow maybe?

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Democratic after glow and recycling:


~~Politics and my empties are caught in a recycling frenzy.~~

Regular day yesterday, but still a bit of after glow from the NDP ‘palace revolt’ in the press and on the airwaves. Some of the new MLA are still students in College! Others are politically knowledgeable, be it not experienced as MLA, of which there are five all told. The important thing at the moment is listening and learning ability.

The guys with all that experience we booted out, because that was not doing any good any longer. It may just be that the inexperience is the asset that this new crew brings to the ship of state.

The guys with all that experience we booted out, because that was not doing any good any longer.

On Wednesday I had cleaned out the recycling stuff from my storage, most of which I dropped off at the bins, with the spent batteries and ink cartridges remaining. I counted about 55 ink cartridges, which at no less than 15$$ each, represents quite a sum over the last four or five years.

I brought Juliet her groceries and we had some wine, chatted about the election combining with after dinner corrections to her story’s typed version. I’d bought a ‘dragon fruit’ from Vietnam, which turned out a bit like a kiwi inside, but more neutral in taste. It would go well with some ice cream mixed in and then served in the fruit’s firm outer shell.

Once home again I looked at some internet news sites, uploaded my daily entry and then watched the evening CBC National. It had news about the UK election of course and the VE-Day celebration in Holland.

Later today, coffee with Don and a stop at DJ’s for some produce. Then I’ll make a stop at London Drugs to return an item for Juliet and to find out about the disposal of the cartridges and batteries.

Writings: Feelings of euphoria extrapolated:


~~I relate the election results after glow to ’s research on ‘crowd feelings’.~~

Some writing is in order, but I feel a bit hesitant about doing so. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained we said as college students, so here I go.

I want to write about a peculiar feeling I experienced during the night after the election. It was a feeling of euphoria that crept over me while sleeping and remained with me during the day. This feeling related to the newly elected governing party and the demise of the carcass of that 44 year old conservative dynasty.

This feeling still remains with me, even today and has taken on the quality of expectations for something new and exiting in Alberta politics. It is like the feeling I had when we came to Alberta in 1973 with my family, when the Lougheed government had just replaced to stodgy old Social Credits.

There [Radin's book] an experiment is described showing that exited stadium crowds affect the random number generators deployed in gambling machines.

The reason I want to give expression to this experience of euphoria and excitement is that it makes me recall something Dean Radin reports on in the Chapters 10 and 11 of his book ‘The Conscious Universe’. There an experiment is described showing that exited stadium crowds affect the random number generators deployed in gambling machines. Similar phenomena are reported by other authors, i.e. .

So, when I experienced this feeling of euphoria relating to the mentioned election outcome, I had to think ‘Yes, the universe is connected and we can be aware of that at times.’

This is what I want to put down to day, because we need to acknowledge this fact and process. It is something to be taken it into account and applied it in our daily affairs, be they large or small.

Maybe not every person experiences this to the same degree, but we can learn to focus on it and acquire an increased sense of this awareness. Since I suspect that this effect can be positive as well as negative, awareness would also be helpful in managing one’s own feelings.
<9:53am and 10:28am, after coffee and redacting.~

Daily Entry: 2015-05-08

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