My thinking of yesterday had as subject the interconnectedness of the world we live in and in which we have our experience. I mentioned in last Thursday’s entry that I experienced a feeling of elation that related to the unexpected election outcome. That feeling was clear, but new to me as an experience in relation to a collective community event. Feelings of elation happen in your personal life at times, such as when passing an exam better than you expected. The opposite experience can be one of disappointment when your expectations are dashed.
To share in an experience like this in a communal setting was new to me, but real nevertheless. In the past I would just lived past such an experience, but now at my age of wisdom I know that there are experiences that are like flags, indicating unconventional aspects about life, to be explored.
I put such experiences in the category of sense and awareness experiences that indicate that we humans have unexplored abilities. Some people have a musical talent, others have a talent for mechanics or abstract thought and some for empathy.
I put it that in the department of sense awareness we have unacknowledged talents. As a matter of fact, such talents are often ignored, their instances denied and their possibilities left unexplored.
So, yesterday I explored our contradictory human behaviour in this regard, which includes the dismissal of proven research in this field as mentioned last week; see Dean Radin’s “The Conscious Universe”. My musings have resulted in a shift of my position from ‘yes this looks plausible’, to ‘I now assume this is so and apply it‘.
The basic underlying assumption I make for myself is that existence is interconnected.
The basic underlying assumption I make for myself is that “existence is interconnected.” This means that I as a human being, influence and am influenced by all that exists. This influence is multi valued in kind and intensity the discernment of which needs to be learned as a skill on my part.
The acquisition of such skills results in an increase in conscious awareness about the existence in which I am a participant. This idea fits with my own observation that human consciousness is acquired and a work in progress. This view I base on my study of the human species which has now been traced back to 60ky ago and earlier.
What we know now compared to what we knew then, clearly indicates that humans have learned and acquired much, not withstanding the setbacks and difficulties along the way.
The responsibility to continue along this way is now ours, as we have become aware of our own process of development. This is the reason we should not neglect and suppress possibilities of which we become aware, such as our interconnectedness as mentioned above.
<10:06am; coffee! and with redaction: 10:34am~