Last night I read until midnight in “ The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam” edited by Cyril Glasse, third edition. I had become fascinated by the information that its entries offer, having extensive sections on Manichaeism and Zoroastrianism.
This source also makes connections between Shi’ism and Manichaeism, framing a plausible perspective on an historical transition from one to the other. All of which is, of course grist for my mill preparing as I do, for my talk on Manichaeism and hence the late hour last night and this morning!
This source also makes connections between Shi’ism and Manichaeism, …
Last night’s news on CBC’s The National had an interesting report on internet shaming by Neil MacDonald. This public shaming is a bit like vigilante justice and a menace for those involved. I think that people who do posties to vent their emotions about others need to reconsider how they react and express.
I am thinking here of the way officials react in the public square, using the language of diplomacy. For example, the other day the Harper government said to be ‘disappointed’ with the Alberta judge’s decision to set Omar Khadr free on bail. In chambers, they may have said something quite different, but not in public.
So, my thoughts on this public shaming dilemma is two fold. It is self generated by the people who set it off and are consequently faced with uncontrollable, but very damaging reactions in the public square. My second thought is that we need to develop an internet etiquette about expressing our emotions in social media.
Social media is not a venue to just let fly over how you feel. This turns out to be damaging to both parties who are deluged by the opinions of social media tourists.
Take responsibility and look for at least one alternative, then sleep on it before you post, is my advice.
I cannot offer an immediate solution except to say that second thought and diplomacy will help to blunt and even quell the now very damaging processes resulting in job losses and suicides. Take responsibility and look for at least one alternative, then sleep on it before you post, is my advice.