, Friday. Overcast, foggy and cool, but we did get some much needed rain yesterday.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Overnight thoughts reported:


~~Preamble to the writings for today on Existence Divine and humanity.~~

During the night I awoke with a formulation on Existence Divine forming in my half sleepy state. I was able to thread a number of concept together to make a whole. Rather than continuing to dwell on it, I anchored it to be surfaced later and returned to my sleep. Below I will write on the mentioned overnight formulation.

Writings: Existence Divine and human existence:


~~A series of short statements meant as my best formulation so far on Existence Divine and our human situation.~~

As humans individuals and as humanity our reason for being is to explore and make conscious our own nature and that of Existence Divine, enhancing it all by means of our experience and understanding.

  1. Existence Divine includes all there is. The divine lends meaning to existence, while existence lends significance to divine, which taken together form a mystery, but a knowable one.
  2. The knowable expresses as revelations, insights, visions, hearings and intuitions of various kinds, depending on time, place, people and circumstance.
  3. The content of such revelations have been preserved as traditions by those who received them, to be passed down the generations including of the present. Each people ordered their experience together with the experienced revelations to form a reference framework for individual and community life, defining a suitable identity and functioning society.
  4. Over time this process across our earth has resulted in a great variety of frameworks which are incompatible at times, giving rise to conflicts that require resolution, as we learn to deal with the mentioned variety of traditions.
  5. Humanity within Existence Divine makes its own and unique contributions with the discoveries that we consciously formulate adding to what is known. We explore, discover and create what can exist in the realm of human existence, discovering and adding ethics as we proceed.
  6. Personal human consciousness has many different modes and abilities, which we are still in the process of developing, adding and changing to what has been accomplished so far.
  7. As individuals and as a community we contribute to and affect Existence Divine with our discoveries, learning and testing the possible within the realm of humanity for the person and the community informed by our traditions, exploring existence as we discover it.
  8. As humans individuals and as humanity our reason for being is to explore and make conscious our own nature and that of Existence Divine, enhancing it all by means of our experience and understanding.

Daily Entry: 2015-05-15

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