It was just after midnight that I checked in for the night this very day! This after an unexpectedly busy day, which started with the mentioned photo walk of yesterday’s entry.
After making that entry and lunch, I met up with Don at Kingsland, where he told me about his early edition of an around 1825 Noah Webster dictionary. He mentioned how the meaning of words can change with time, as he found for the word ‘nice’.
I am interested in the word ‘wisdom’ that Quimby used in his healing work and writings around that time. Also at the market I initiated a painted mug order, which is to be a present for John later on in the Fall.
After a snooze I got ready to go down town, park the car and stop by at Winner’s for an assessment, before meeting John at five for dinner and the CPO Bach 1722 concert at Knox United. We had a tasty dinner at the Thai Rose garden, while we talked away about politics and family.
On the way to the concert I also told John about how I was assisted in making my emigration and landing in Toronto, by the church organisations at that time. However I did not stop there, because closely associated was the getting of my first job in Timmins Ontario.
This Father and Son culture day as we call that, concluded with our walk to my car and a ride home for John giving us a chance for closing such a special day.
After these stories it was time to get quiet as the musicians were threatening us with their promised performance! It was well done and we enjoyed the performance, but the church bench seats were a bit hard on the body.
The musical parts were interspaced with historical sketches relating to us now, the social settings of the artists in their time. These anecdotal interludes made clear that Bach in his days faced a lot of competition. Music was a major field of entertainment in that period - without recordings! - and Bach’s talent only became obvious with time and performance.
This Father and Son culture day as we call that, concluded with our walk to my car and a ride home for John giving us a chance for closing such a special day. I never did anything like that together with my Dad, but my Mother did take us to movies at times. But then again, you also have to make your own blessings in this regard and I’m very grateful that this works out so well for us.