Grocery day today to catch that ten (10) percent discount. I often add a copy of the Globe in, just to get that discount on the paper as well! This, as an act of defiance, since a current daily never is on sale.
Yesterday’s coffee talk with jack lasted well over two hours and we did not even talk about our new NDP provincial government! Jack had many family stories and we talked much about our world views. Do we, he and I at our age still have a mission to work out and on? That is what occupies us both, as we look back at our accumulations of life experience.
Judging from this discussion of ours I would say we still have that sense. The more so, since parenting and careers lay behind us and the choice of activities is our own. So, both of us are addressing humanity’s situation at this our own time today asking: ‘Do we humans have what it takes to survive our foibles and misconceptions about what is important or will we dissipate our potential in conflicts for dominance on this planet?’
Do we humans have what it takes to survive our foibles and misconceptions about what is important or will we dissipate our potential in conflicts for dominance on this planet?
This aft I’ll make a visit to Annie’s school with my little geography project relating to the globe I bought last week with its misrepresented aspect of Canada’s territorial extent. The globe is only small with a diameter of about five (5) inches, so the missteps though not glaring, are still significant.
I’ll take that globe with some prints and a map of Canada to my meeting with the home teacher. It looks like a nice little project for the students to do, but I never taught at grade school level. Time will tell in this case.
Last night I made some more notes regarding my fourth (4th) talk and a possible extension of that, which I’ll elaborate on under ‘writings’ below. But first things first, which means shopping for groceries, trip one. That was at 9:50am. Now at 1:56pm I continue, leaving things at one trip.