The result from this morning’s thinking I wrote on page 12 in my blue Basic Norcom notebook/ cahier, dated 2015-05-28, as follows:
2015-06-24; 8:35am.
Love, Knowledge & Identity combine,
In Existence Divine
Diversifying Humanity.
[to Diversify], the [text] as an alternative to the one above it.
Yesterday afternoon, as I was resting and dozing I composed these lines, except for ‘& Identity’, which I added this morning in my thinking session.
So far the concepts, ideas and thoughts that were involved in this creative process, because creative it is. I know this from my experience in drawing my Left_Hand artwork, since the Fall of 1999. Its first five books are posted on my website under the “Left_Hand Work” Home page category.
So, a creative product it is, having been extracted and judged as the words and wordings emerged, judged when writing a poem, which I have done as well. So, I know where of I speak and don’t argue:-)! Thank you!
Now, what is the importance of this little composition you will ask; I will try to give an indication in what follows.
I will start with the preparation for my Fall talk on November 22, which does not yet have a title, but is defined in intent. I want to make this my closing talk and end result, of the long series of such talks since September 2004. That first talk was on the Gnostics and many followed, all posted on my website.
In retrospect a following talk in the Spring of 2006, titled “In Search of the Sacred”, turned out to be a watershed for me. In preparation for it I acquired the insight about ‘Existence Divine’, on which I have written and spoken - all posted - many times.
'The teachings & views of people from 2 000 years ago is [sic] no longer sufficient/ adequate. We have to add to these ourselves for our times.'
Returning to my upcoming November talk, it is going to be a transition by relying on those forgoing talks and opening up a new perspective to explore. This will be in the theme of the dream I reported on 2015-05-28, which concludes with: “The teachings & views of people from 2 000 years ago is [sic] no longer sufficient/ adequate. We have to add to these ourselves for our times.”
This reported dream is one step of the gestation process that started at the beginning of this year, when I had to decide on the theme for my talks of the coming year. The first three topics came around fairly quickly, but this last one emerged slowly. It started as a vague, but persistent notion about stating my position and view of how and with what to proceed, after all these researches on the religions of humanity?
As humanity today we are faced with the question of how to proceed without making a ruin of our extant civilisations. President De Clerk said at the time, that the Union of South Africa needed a new ‘dispensation’. That may be a good word to apply to humanity’s planet wide conundrum of how to live together and tolerate the diversity of our identities.
Hence my lines of creative inspiration reported at the start, above.