, Thursday. Sun up, clear and cool after two days with much needed showers.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Shopping with Juliet:


~~After my daily entry in the morning, Juliet and I shop and cook supper.~~

Early as you can see and a good thing too, since I still needed to drop the rent check at its destination, while I had forgotten about the plant that Juliet bought me yesterday. I’d left it in the trunk of the car, which gets the full sun until noon, but it is safe now behind my Merry Gold.

Yesterday I was over at Juliet’s at two pm to pick her up for a shopping trip to the grocer’s. This is where we bought the plants, two for Juliet and one for me. Thank you Juliet, a nice gesture of you to make. But, there was more to our shopping enterprise than plants, with the cart getting quite full towards the end, too much for the self checkout.

Thank you Juliet, a nice gesture of you to make. But, there was more to our shopping enterprise than plants, with the cart getting quite full towards the end, too much for the self checkout.

By the time we were back at Juliet’s place it was about four thirty and after unpacking we raised a glass of wine to drink to Canada, a country each of us chose to adopt as our own. Next came supper for which Juliet cooked the ‘marrows’, an English name for large zucchini, while I took care of the salmon, sweet potatoes and the salad. It all came together on time to eat and enjoy, closing it of with a piece of cake.

The transcribing was left for next week, but I did get the printer to print some chapters for Juliet to read. The cables, players and pictures were sidelined, as was the Quran, which I took home again. At which place I arrived at about 8:10pm, ready to sit down and watch the Canada Day news of CBC’s National, without having to do any dishes!

Writings: Morning thoughts and teaching:


~~An early morning awareness is stated, followed by its emergence process and closed with its meaning and impact.~~

This morning I awoke early with some important insights, which became the main reason I was up so early and will now record as follows:
“Minimise fighting, Maximise cooperation,
Enhancing wholeness in diversity,
Resolving conflicts increasing conscious awareness and understanding,
Making our human contributions enriching Existence Divine.”

This is close to what I was ‘thinking about’, trying to formulate and remember the ideas and associations as these emerged this morning. The process was slow, but fascinating, which I’ll describe here.

First to arrive was the first line, which I kept repeating to myself to make sure it would register and not fade back into the unconscious again. This happens when you awake, as I did this morning, still half in sleep state. Writing it down right away is too conscious an operation and stops the still forming association process from coming to fulfillment.

So, as I kept up the repeating of that first line, I asked to what purpose this would be. The second line and its concept came up in response and I now repeated the two lines in sequence.

After some time, I came to the notion of conflicts. Should these be eliminated in this ‘wholeness‘? In response came: ‘Conflicts create tension’, which was followed right away with ‘tension creates conscious awareness‘1) or ‘is a means of increasing conscious awareness‘.

And, as I know from experience, holding the conflict, entertaining it as to its message and method for resolution get you further along the road of self understanding.

This I knew can be the value of the conflict as is taught by and others like him. And, as I know from experience, holding the conflict, entertaining it as to its message and method for resolution get you further along the road of self understanding. It implies that you must not shut the conflict down or avoid it. You must ask, why it is there and examine its nature and causes. This leads to the increase in awareness. It is its gift!

After this line giving a place to conflict and its gift, I asked to what purpose this all would be. In response came an earlier awareness of mine that we humankind in our human realm contribute to the enrichment of Existence Divine.

Recalling this earlier notion led to the last line, lending meaning and purpose to the whole process. And, as I said to myself doing so, resulting in a formulation ‘Free of any theological statements and claims of a religious tradition and so being generally applicable and acceptable‘. This then makes it a teaching that can be conveyed and applied, which is the next stage after this formulation.
<7:10am and 8:00am~

1). It brings issues to the surface of awareness, which can make you mighty uncomfortable emotionally. This in turn may cause repression and the loss of an opportunity to learn something new about yourself. But, you must be able to handle the tensions and emotions; the state of dis-associated ego personality is much worse.

Daily Entry: 2015-07-02

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