Late night notes pertaining to yesterday’s writings.
The first line of four I reported as insights yesterday is: ‘Minimise fighting, Maximise cooperation’.
Using this line as reference my comments start:
“This line’s action/ affect is line 2,
“The state and process of line 2 is expressed in line 3. Line 2 state enables line’s 3 process to take place. Line 4 states the purpose of line 3, giving meaning to the outcome.
“Each given line, 1, 2, 3, 4, is the precondition of the one that follows is state, action, process.
“[A]nd the 4 are an envelope for the process & content of each and any human tradition. It will need to be taught how this can be so. <11:20pm."
Then later in the dark I added: “All this is a PROCESS[,] of Existence. 11:45pm.”
This mornings the following short, but very definitive awareness emerged:
”Turn insights into teachings!”
I bold it here and now, because this notion came with power, as an imperative. It gave me the sense that the insights are now all present, there are no more to come that would change much and threaten to become ruminations. Now is the time to forge a teaching out of this.
That is the sense of my insight and awareness this morning. I have to turn my efforts and attention to turn all this together into a teachable whole, or construct to use a modern fad-word.
So be it! I am embarking on this new and different enterprise, turning insights into teachings!
So, here I am, with Thomas’ admonition from his gospel coming to mind: “Express what within you, lest it destroy you. ”What else would I want to do, lest flee from my calling in Prophet Jonah like fashion?
So be it! I am embarking on this new and different enterprise, turning insights into teachings!
<11:24am and 11:54am~