, Tuesday. Overcast with rain, cool temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Address list laundry and fiftieth anniversaries:


~~My promised address list was resurrected and I commiserate on the events of the 50th wedding anniversary and growing older and human experience.~~

Good morning! Laundry due at 9:00am, first load with two more after this one. Yesterday’s weather was nice until the late aft, but before that time I’d done my walks for the day. The daily entry for the day was posted in the evening, while in the afternoon I recovered my rudimentary address list file from 2013 some time.

I added about half a dozen addresses from my manual little ring binder. I decided to follow this manual according to its alphabetical entry system that it has. Since I am using Excel as the software for the computer file, it can later be sorted on any of the other columns such as place or relations. My aim is to complete this transcription by Saturday.

The last birthday card arrived yesterday, which came from France where Helene and Peter spend their summers. This year they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, which sounds familiar! Shirley cum Sophie told me that she would have been married that long, also this year.

My parents 50th was in 1985, which was also the year that the INTA had their one and only conference outside the USofA here in Calgary. I was in charge of the book sales at the time and made an early stop over to see my parents before the designated date of July 11. The 50th is a significant event, because I can see from my family that the 60th may be restricted by health and possibly the passing of the partner.

But as I say, all experience is valid experience and it all enriches the spirit, whose realm is different from that of the human body.

Such are the eventualities of old age, while the once of youth are quite different, but also quite unexpected in many cases. When young you rise to meet and overcome the challenges you chose, while in old age you learn to adjust and live with the changes that come your way.

But as I say, all experience is valid experience and it all enriches the spirit, whose realm is different from that of the human body. With this insight I stop here, because otherwise I’ll encroach on the domain of ‘Writings’ below!

Writings: Talk circumscription:


~~I struggle to find a satisfactory and motivating title and description for my November ‘Threshold’ talk.~~

With the second laundry load churning away for about 45 minutes, I’ll have some time to explore the content of my up coming ’threshold’ talk. Threshold, because it will close my searching and open the teaching period on account of what I wrote yesterday. However, though that much is clear, I am still trying to formulate the synopsis of that search that would make evident the required new teaching.

Though I have a list of concepts that will be a part of the new perspective and restructuring, I do not want to make this talk a to-do list. I need to distil the results of that ten year search of the sacred in a vista of where we have been and where we are going without getting into detail at this point.

While writing the above, it occurs to me that maybe I should go back to a perspective I held when in Junior High school. At that time I had a vague notion that there had to be a way to acknowledge all the other beliefs and religion in the whole world. It could not be just my belief that was the one and only valid way of believing.

Maybe I should use this early notion of mine, as the starting point and trace from there my search leading to my present insights and convictions. It comes down to the question: “How to accommodate the diversity of human beliefs?” That is the question underlies that long search of mine since the time of my youth. But I can’t use that as search narrative as my talk content, though it could be the starting point.

A view from that threshold, which holds back the past and lets in the changes for the future.

What did I gather up over a lifetime and how do I bundle it up in a presentable package that is convincing of the claim it makes? That is my question now! I have to combine a looking back with a forward view. Combine the sense of ‘yes that is where we were before’ with ‘and this is where we need to go now‘.

A view from that threshold, which holds back the past and lets in the changes for the future. Letting in the new awareness, while holding back the tried and true; holding but not flushing it! This will require some fleshing out, but I may have circumscribed my problem here!
<9:50am and 10:01am~

Daily Entry: 2015-08-18

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