I'm in my eightieth year for one week now, which continues to hold a special significance for me. Eighty used to be quite a landmark age for people when I was a child and not all that common, so I think that my own eightieth feels special for that reason.
However, I know from the obituaries that today too, many people do not reach that age in their lives, not mention the health issues, which for me are of the nature of comfort and energy. So, I am thankful about my lot, health, my life, friends and family!
So, I am thankful about my lot, health, my life, friends and family!
This brings me to my address file project. Yesterday I finished the personal alphabetical list, added the business items and even made an Excel csv file of the Shaw web mail information and printed all this out for review! I'm not there yet, but will be close once the emails are added, which I aim to do today.
For the rest of the day I walked some, bought and read the Globe of the day, cruised the news sites, posted my entry for the day, cooked, ate and had a good snooze. I did make some notes for my talk, which I'll tell below.
Overnight I had a dream filled with many confusing activities in which even my parents were present. Some friends from today and I were camping, at home making breakfast all backwards in my kitchen with my dozing [late] parents in the living room. The backwards breakfast I did know in the dream and struggled to correct! I think that my going through all those addresses, current and old, acted as the trigger for this dream. We'll see.
Later coffee with Don.