, Friday. Solid overcast, rain forecast and cool present.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Pragmatic Canadians and seasonal turnings:


~~Canada’s Labour day contrasted with Thanksgiving, a theology formulated and late summer’s fall.~~

This year’s Labour day is as late in September as it can be, because that Holiday’s date is legislated to fall on the first Monday in September. The rest of the world celebrates Labour day on the first of May. But that is too socialist and too conforming for the USofA, whose convention Canada follows out of necessity in cases like this.

But, not so for Thanksgiving, because of the climatic difference between us and our southern neighbours. This is an example of the pragmatic nature of Canadians as a nation. In our great country’s extensive expanse one must be prudent and pragmatic about when and where to apply one’s resources, lest these be squandered in fruitless efforts.

This is an example of the pragmatic nature of Canadians as a nation.

Yesterday I succeeded in formulating a Theology for Existence Divine in four points. I read it over several times, not quite believing that it turned out to be as well worded as it did. I made some small corrections and additions, but it expresses well the ideas, concepts and intentions that I want to express and have entertained for several years.

I inserted the acronym ’ExisDiv’ in the writing’s title so as to make that writing entry sortable on the topic class relating to writings about Existence Divine. Next will be the exposition of each of the four categories of this theology, together with an overall statement about my intentions relating these concepts and their overall significance for our human societies of believes.

The weather changed significantly during the run of the afternoon yesterday. At around one o’clock I started an hour’s walk down Fourth street and returned home around two with the weather still clement. That had changed an hour later with strong wind gusts and rain, so my timing was exquisite!

I know, because I was out later for a short dash to the ‘vendors’ - some wine - as the old English expression goes. The former Casablanca next door now has an attractive women’s used clothing store with a large choice. They may do well there.
<9:05am and continuing after a cold walk at 9:49am>

Writings: ExisDiv First order attempted:


~~Some first thoughts about ordering the many ideas and insights since 1999 that have emerged and occupied me.~~

On my cold walk I gave some thought to the additional topics that would relate to the above mentioned theology. One would be a narrative relating the formation and development of the ideas about Existence Divine, which might start with my 2006 talk titled ‘In Search of the Sacred’.

However, I may have to track back to the spring of 1999 when I was occupied with the applicability of re-incarnation as I prepared for my trip to Holland. That event was followed by many unexpected happenings that unfolded in the four following years, giving rise to many new ideas and insights.

Human consciousness needs a framework to order our experience, if we are to continue increasing our comprehension of our world of existence.

New ideas were not restricted to that time, but continued over the years in a process of emerging and recycling of concepts that were and are of a religico-philosophical nature. They potentially form an ordering framework of the human experience. One that would accommodate our various human religious traditions and ideologies present in our diverse civilisation and on our now crowded planet.

Those emerging ideas that have more or less gelled for me at this stage, need the frame work of the now formulated theology in order to form a functional relationship.

My overall aim and intent is to come to a set of teachings that adds to the existing traditions and reference frameworks such as we humans deploy, be they secular or religious in nature and composition. Human consciousness needs a framework to order our experience, if we are to continue increasing our comprehension of our world of existence.

Daily Entry: 2015-09-04

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