Yesterday morning I had coffee with Tim and Jeannette at the Farmer’s House in Marda loop. We had a lively conversation with the present federal election front and centre. All of us agreed on not voting for the Conservatives, with the Liberals as our most likely choice. I have an experienced candidate in my riding Hehr, who has been MLA and now runs as MP. This election has many Canadians take notice, which is not always the case. We all sense that change is afoot.
This election has many Canadians take notice, which is not always the case. We all sense that change is afoot.
On my return trip I located my former lawyer’s office and dropped by there later in the aft. I need to get some papers in order at my age, which is one of those things you are aware of, but tend to postpone. So, I made a start!
I walked to the office for that appointment and stopped at London Drugs and Reid’s for a card. It took about an hour and a half and with all that walking and shopping I was ready for a good rest, which took me to past 5pm!
After supper I posted my entry of last Wednesday, cruised the news sites and did the dishes. I read some printed I-net articles and wrote in my Blue ‘Norcom’ cahier, pages 32 and 33 on authority as a construct, on which I’ll expand below under ‘Writings’.<9:15am