, Wednesday. This first day of Fall is dry, bright with overcast, with a twenties high. Welcome to my favourite season.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Late night browsings plus:


~~I am captured by Don’s gift of old magazines and a school atlas and burn the midnight candle; thanks Don! ~~

It was early this morning that I hit the sack. I’d been browsing through literature of Calgary’s “Truth Centre”, representing Herman ’s early days here in Calgary. I did not know about that center at the time, but last Friday Don handed me these ‘documents’ as he was cleaning up and thought they might be of interest to me. This it is! And I appreciate Don’s thoughtfulness, so Don take a bow! Thank you!

In those old New Thought periodicals I come across contributions by Herman’s much quoted authors with their pictures for me to look at. I never met those people - , Paulson, Holland, , Collie and - so it gives me a late connection to those early movers and shakers.

I intend to read some more of their articles, because they convey a conviction and dedication that I can no longer detect in the writings by today’s authors in the same magazine.

I intend to read some more of their articles, because they convey a conviction and dedication that I can no longer detect in the writings by today’s authors in the same magazine. The bloom has gone of the message and they seem to write to convince themselves, as much as others.

To say it more clearly, the old authors wrote with the conviction of experience of having found a new truth, while the present ones write from the place of the chosen profession and study. It is second generation stuff by the followers of the prophet who now has passed on.

But, what made me really late was the old Canadian school atlas that Don had included in his package of things past! It showed the Canada and the world as this was taught to Canadian school children at the time of the second World War. That was the same time I was in the first grades of the Dutch elementary school ‘with the Bible’ no less, but also with maps and our atlas at home.

What struck me was the colouring convention for land elevations, which looked utterly familiar to me. So time passed unnoticed last night and it was past 1:00am, before I withdrew to my sleeping quarters; down the hall that is!

Writings: Sensing New Thought Community:


~~The old magazines New Thought Journals also connect me to those pioneers of New Thought, who I had - mistakenly - come to discard.~~

An additional note on my reading the mentioned New Thought quarterly articles dating back to the period of 1975 to 1982. It reminds me of a relating awareness that I experienced about a month ago. At that time I experienced a sense of the importance of those earlier authors as teachers and their community.

At that time I experienced a sense of the importance of those earlier authors as teachers and their community.

In addition I experienced a sense of support from that community of way-finders that I could relate to my own endeavour of attempting to formulate a reference framework that will structure our worldwide human traditions of religious beliefs and spirituality.

I felt as if I were continuing in that tradition and must not waver in doing so. So, today with these old New Thought journals having come my way through Don’s thoughtful gesture, I again feel that sense of being connected. It urges me to carry on in this tradition of developing and formulating new ideas that assist us in understanding and acting in our world of today.

I should not be too surprised about my awareness of being connected, because inter-connectedness throughout existence is one of the fundamental concepts forming a part of the framework I am in the process of formulating. It is the process I reported on in my writings yesterday of which the section titled ‘Restructuring’ is the first part.
<9:15am and 9:31am~

Daily Entry: 2015-09-23

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