, Monday. Clear, cool and sun rising.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Fall role out and eclipse obscured:


~~Fall pictures, program and course announce the new season, while clouds hide the ‘blood moon’. I complete the extracts for the ‘ContentBlueNote section~~

Yesterday, on my walk to our meeting at the Palliser, I took some photos of the fall colours. They are early this year and I suspected that the full beauty of them would soon be gone. Late afternoon yesterday the sky clouded over and the ‘blood moon’ spectacle became obscured for me.

So, I took to completing the extracts of the BlueNotes for the ‘Content’ category. And once done, no and behold, there was the moon in a cloud’s gap, not bloody, but still partially shadowed. So, the ‘Gutter Mond’ as the Germans say, had not forgotten me!

Yours truly is scheduled for November 22 to speak on 'Humanity’s Threshold'

At our Palliser meet, Herman had the new programme ready, with me scheduled for November 22 to speak on “Humanity’s Threshold”. My BlueNote activities are the preamble to that event. Waiting for us as well, was the flyer for Herman’s Fall course titled “The Unknown Philosophy of Quimby”.

I am looking forward to that one, because Quimby had many ideas and insights, which though recorded, were never arranged systematically. We’ll see to what extend Herman has been able to do this. The material is complex, extensive and Herman likes to relate to other favoured authors to support his case.

This weekend I made an unusual Saturday entry and completed all the extractions in the ‘Guilbert Writing Pad’ of the eight (8) BlueNote ‘Content’ entries from my Norcom Cahier. The summary of those extracts I will make under ‘Writings’ below. Once that is done the remaining categories of ‘Humanity & Diversity’ and ‘Narrative’ should be completed this week, since they comprise only four (4) BlueNote entries each.

Writings: Summary Content category extractions:


~~Content category summary of the extraction notes on pp. 15 through 20 of the Guilbert writing pad.~~

‘Content’ category extract summary:
Below extracts from pages 15 through 20 of the Guilbert Writing Pad. The ‘#’ reference the entry in the Norcom ‘BlueNote’ cahier. BlueNote entries:6, 7, 8,12, 16, 22, 23, 26.

#6, p.11; ‘Religions & Responsibility!?’
2015-06-13, Sat.
Suggested title for the Nov talk; updating Religions;
Religions as an ‘operating system’ for humanity, with ‘tolerance as update for today!
#7, p.12; ‘Blue note lines’
“Love, Knowledge & Identity combine …, an affirmation paralleled with:
‘Feeling, Thinking, & Identity/personality‘, using more abstract concepts.
#8, p.12. Blue Note comments
Comment on #7 notes.
$hellip; combine in Existence Divine guiding Humanity towards Diversity.’
The problem of selected scripture quoting.
Acknowledge this to move to tolerance.
p.13; Letting to of ‘Quote authority’.
All texts are equally authoritative, but differ in TPPC.
Diversity starts within the scripture, consider the many names for god.
#12, p.25; Talk title: Humanity’s Modern Threshold.’
2015-08-03 at 0:03am ~Late Sunday [Relates to #13, p.27]
{<9:10am; Interruption: walk to meet Elisabeth; 7:22pm>continuing}
-Threshold has lower and upper limit; TPP-$$ ideology not needed;
-Invariant ~ ‘verities’ of religious systems, like: creator; law, identity, etc.
-New idea: parallel between geometric transformations and religious systems.
-Basics: my talks on religions so far; making our own evolution; new
revelation only at boundary situation.
#16, p.30: “Finding Format & Process for content.”
2015-08-06. Hiroshima!
- my ExisDiv commitment affirmation;
-website as answer to ‘What format and Process?’
-Questions about content, presentation and message.
-I am not the only voice, but am of equal value.
#22, p.37: “Talk Nov 22, Other Title”
-Title: A Sacred Discovery” + description:
“10 tears of search; new perspective; traditions must undergo internal
examination for accommodation.
-Title: “Sacred Discovery”; asks how to discover ways to accommodate diversity.
p.38: - is short of dynamics, therefore:
Title: “Sacred Course Correction”;
Descr.: emphasis on diversity + accommodation, add: develop common narrative.
#23, p.38: “The Threshold’s Perspective …”
2015-08-20; … implies:
- value reassessment in traditions, inner mission teachings.
-cost aspects of accommodation policies and sharing resources.
-contrast with cost of armed conflict.
-address unwillingness to share!
#26, p.42: Return from Dutch creek.
2015-08-29: (see also Celestial notes p.48)
Celestial notes:
p.49: -how did humans arrive at the concept ’god’?
- is it a personal/ group understanding of Existence Divine?
p.50 - independent personal belief // youth leaving home?
p.52 - I contrast readings from Sci-Mind magazine with having your own formed
insights, values and objectives; why follow some one else at my age? I hold
continuity of conscious existence for instance.

- - -
BlueNotes:p.42: “independent World View.”
- teachings of “Independent World view” as relating to Existence Divine and
Human traditions.
- the independent human position as unique within Existence Divine.
- 1. Show common sacred aspects; 2.Mystical and poetic experience;
3. Common, but differing revelations.
- 1+2+3 show sacredness of the TPPC-revelations as aspects of Exist-Divine.
#26 BlueNotes cont’d (p. 42)
- The above is basis for: Human who created narrative in co-respondence with
Existence Divine [through the process of TPPC].
- This brings us to our own revelation today taking on our responsibility for
our views and actions. [being accountable for your religion!!]
p.43: - This way humans are independent and conscious contributors to Existence
Divine, within which they are.
2015-08-30 (or late 29th):
- this ‘independent view’ takes its place beside the traditions adding to them
through TPPC.
- this is the recommended revelation for this time, place people and
circumstance, the TPPC now.

End of the extraction for the category ‘Content’.

Daily Entry: 2015-09-28

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