, Wednesday. Clear, cool and sun up.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Diverse activities and events:


~~Today reports on constructive progress, note extraction, long phone calls from Derrick and to Jeltsje and September’s leaves taking. ~~

The backhoe has already been lifted out of the construction pit in our back alley, indicating that the pit’s earthy surface is now ready for the concrete to take its ground floor place. The site is so tight that I have given it the name of puzzle site. A year from now a four story condo building will deprive me of the extra deep and wide view I now enjoy!

Yesterday I completed the extractions of the last two BlueNote categories, namely ‘Humanity & Diversity’ and ‘Narrative’. That makes it the turn of the summaries and the subsequent HTML markup. In that department I am already four (4) days behind, so I have enough to do. That in addition to this aft’s visit with Juliet, tomorrow’s laundry and other activities such as cooking and eating, not to mention snoozing!

Derrick called me yesterday to say hello and bring me up to date on his activities, which include moving to different digs and finding his way as a professional in the counselling field. The move is for tomorrow and I have the new address which is close to the shore and away from the traffic! He sounded well in control of the process, though regretting having to leave this cozy place that was home to him for almost four years and … with which I too have become quite familiar after at least three visits.

Jeltsje and I always have fine conversations about religion, world affairs, family happenings and shared memories.

I also had a long conversation with Jeltsje in Apeldoorn, NL. She is starting to prepare again for her winter layover in Egypt, which will begin late next month. We always have fine conversations about religion, world affairs, family happenings and shared memories. She, like me, has lived a long life in single style even longer than I have and that makes for an easier exchange of experiences.

Here we are the last day of September already and attuning to the Fall season. So far so good weather wise in that we enjoy much sun and fairly warm afternoons. The tree’s colours are early this year and not as abundant and brilliant as other times. The dry summer and some hail storms have taken their toll I reckon, but it is as I like to say: ’the weather whether-s‘! And not to be forgotten, I have to say good bye to September’s pleasant Friesland scene on my calendar at my typing station here.

Writings: Sections four and five summaries:


~~Summaries for the categories IV, ‘Humanity & Diversity’ and V, ‘Narrative’ are recorded below.~~

Today I will dedicate ‘Writings’ to the summaries of the BlueNote section IV and V extractions. So [] bracketed is added during extraction for clarity.

IV “Humanity & Diversity” extractions summary.
BlueNote entries numbers: 13, 14, 24, 25 on the pages: 26, 28, 39,40.

#13, p.26: “Humanity’s Diversity (TPPC).”
- many unique revelations [over time]; today we face diversity.
- diversity brings insight, opportunity and conflict.
- non-destructive solutions are needed;
- a search leads to TPPC-revelation discovering solutions in this time
honoured way of continuing revelation in Existence Divine.
p.27: - conscious awareness arises from conflict.
- ethics needs to be applied.
- - -
- Talk Title: “In Search of Wholeness …”
Alternative to p.25 title, see #12.
- the ‘Sacred’ expresses in diversity with strive, conflict and harmony.
- increase harmony by finding wholeness.
- guard against cross-contamination by half understood ideas, thru clarity.
- Process: identify invariance, inventory, similarity, differences,
community activities.
#14, p28: “New revelation at Boundary”.
- Revelation only after known solutions exhausted;
(The unknown emerges at the boundary of the known!)
- Our task is to work out known solutions, [ & knowable solutions after
particular interests are set aside.]
#24, p39: “Humanity at Threshold” = Talk Title.
2015-08-21; (10:37pm)
- “Humanity at Threshold” = Title defined for Nov 22 talk.
- Description: To combine traditional wisdom with today’s knowledge and
capability in responsibly shaping our Existence.
#25, p40: “Talk outline sketched.”
2015-08-22, (Sat. 10:40pm)
- We have: (aspects)
a. Handed down tradition, b. Situation today, c. New knowledge.
Talk Outline:
1. Invariants: ordering cosmos, human experience, transcendent,
identity, community.
2. Examples of changing handed down rules and tradition.
3. Modern science can redefine identity [extend it, ‘deep ancestry’]
4. Existence Divine [as] accommodating unique identity, history,
revelation, [all] in common diversity.
5. Combine resources to minimise conflict.
P41: making policy (Example: Hammurabi)
- requirements of today’s societies new values of respect to other societies.
- new values: environment, cultures, to be ADDED.
- Existence Divine as ‘final’ concept toward accommodation of all traditions.
- ‘All aboard’ for our human journey!

--- End of summary section IV ---
<9:58am. 10:12am>

V. “Narrative”, extractions Summary.
BlueNote Entry numbers: 17, 31, 32,33, 34, 35; pp. 31, 47c, 49, 50, 53.

#17, p31: “My Life Purpose”
2015-08-08: Friday on Saturday.
- Dream of birth process.
- a mission drive … Apostleship.
- Message content aspects emerge with time. (Life experience!)
- aim to teach tolerance re diversity.
- conserve handed down tradition by adding
- progressive inclusion.
- flexibility of/in adaptations of the ‘new’.
#31, p47c: “First Experience of authority”
- First power from: Thunder & Lightning experience.
p.48 - brought closer through personification.
- power of authority now part of human’s world, with interaction following: ‘Fear of the
Lord’ as example.
- God image: fear, beneficence, love, protection revealed through TPPC-process interaction.
- necessary process of ‘conscious making’ ~ [assimilation of unknown content.]
P49: - relevant is today’s ‘spirituality’ as a form of accommodation of a range of concepts.
- styles and allocations of ordering our world experience (framework of …)
- guiding principle for today’s confluence.
- unmanaged/ unconscious causes ill adapted [ISIS] processes, damaging and destructive.
- conscious humans need to be aware of the guidance they receive!
#32, p49: “To become, of becoming conscious, conscious.”
- from a LH_Drawing ca 1991 to be combined with teachings at the cave entrance LH_Drawing of
- The 5-LH_drawing books are a teaching ‘maybe’ of how we become conscious.
- The process of forming the ideas of ‘authority, god, love, law …’
- The way our daily experience is framed.
#33, p50: “The snake’s image transition”.
2015-09-13; Sunday.
- The image goes from the snake erect (1)to the figure8 (eight).
- The erects form ifs from my childhood dream: “How do I speak to an animal like that?”
- the figure 8 is today’s [I.e. 2015-09-13] taken form. [analogous to the process of
‘active imagination’; see C.G. Jung.]
- This image transformation is symbolic of the process “To become, of becoming conscious,
- This means: develop our understanding of how we acquired consciousness.
P51: - first beginning ideas: animals, names, mountain [in the process of] making/
composing/ constructing a framework.
- This process goes on today and discovery of ‘Existence Divine’ is an example.
- God image/ ‘gods-Beelden’ [article] has my margin notes NB1, NB2, NB3.
_NB1: shift from ‘god the father’ to ‘source’.
_NB2: Functionality of this shift?
p52_NB3: Mystics & Dark night of the Soul by St. john of the Cross.
My Notes: 7:30pm<
- handed down tradition’s preserved and varied values.
- today: study these varied truth sources as the Bible, Koran, etc. leading to an
understanding of our diversity.
- study these for diversity within the source, accept that and then study the differences
between the various courses.
- understanding how [we humans] function and can improve.
- This variety expressed in boundary revelations reflect the diversity needed for Existence
Divine mystery to express in the realm of humanity.
#34, p53: Proposed content.
2015-09-14: This content page numbers us [see p.35] old page 19 as reference, that was
erroneously so numbered. Only p1 is correct. Corrected numbers inserted beside the erroneous ones.
#35, p53: “Being Free”
2015-09-28; 10:39pm, Monday.
From this morning: I recall from time I was just new in Toronto, mid August
1959, as I walked around downtown looking for my first job this:
“Nu ben ik eindelijk vrij!”, which in English reads:
“Now, am I finally free!”
This feeling overwhelmed me then and surfaced today, in relation to my trying to
formulate ‘independent world view’ and my examining ‘authority’.

--- End of the last of V extract summaries. ---

Daily Entry: 2015-09-30

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