, Monday and national election day. Warm, sun coming up and clouds scattered.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Voting Alexandra wordfest slowload windows:


~~Voting comes first, Alexandra Writing center and Wordfest come second, with Windows 1 download taking a whole day.~~

The federal election is front and center today and will remain there until all the votes are counted, because this election is tight and has the promise of surprises, with New Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives all contending.

The expectations are for the reigning Conservatives to loose, the opposition New Democrats to surprise and the Liberals to gain. However, the question is to what extend, because the pollsters have proven to be unreliable predictors of election outcomes in Canada. This is due to Canada’s district based election system and the way its population is distributed.

I expect a Conservative minority government, with the Liberals as collaborators and the New Democrats relegated to third place as opposition and a few gains for the Greens.

I know I’ll be glued to the CBC National this evening and my family and friends will no doubt be watching the results as well. I expect a Conservative minority government, with the Liberals as collaborators and the New Democrats relegated to third place as opposition and a few gains for the Greens.

I plan to go voting in about ten minutes, when the working crowd is out of the way and the stay home one still to come. This is my voting strategy as I expected it to be busy at the polling stations.

Last Friday was a busy one. I made my inaugural appearance at the Alexandra Writing center in the morning and met with John for dinner at around 4+pm. We then took in back to back Wordfest presentations at the Glenbow Museum Theatr. There I bought ’s book ‘Time among the Maya’, which he signed.

I was pleased to meet him in person, because I read and liked his ’Short History of Progress’. I told him of my interests and reading of Streckfuss’ report on the Aztecs, Maya and Inca going back to 1951 for me!
John and I always enjoy these events and we wanted to be sure to take them in this year, as we missed them last.

Sunday at 8:11am I started the download of Windows 10 which did not complete until 3:10pm! Then it was an other hour of installing, copying files and my testing my own programmes and website, before it was complete. I then went out to get a Windows 10 introductory reference book, which I’ll exchange today for a more extensive one.

Time to get to the polling station at 9:09am. And back at 10:08am, but making some coffee!

The polling station was quite active, but not crowded. I had wait at my poll for a few minutes and would say that about half of the fourteen polls had voters. The staff was quite up tight, but that is to be expected unless they are experienced.
And now we’ll have to wait until the polls close in New Found Land at 4:00pm our Mountain time and 7:30pm there!

Writings: Discovering consolidation and Hermans course:


~~Herman outlines the approach to his coming Quimby course and I discover ‘consolidation is the way’ forward for myself.~~

Herman’s talk titled ‘The Cure within’ was a promotion to sign up for his Wednesday evening course on ’s Philosophy. Herman explained that he had identified twenty (20) essential concepts for a life philosophy for himself as based on his own experience and studies. And, that he - Herman - studied Quimby’s writings for what that author had to say regarding these twenty points that Herman identified.

This according to Herman could then be a life’s philosophy for anyone. Well I’ll have to see what materialises during the coming five (5) course evenings, with coming Wednesday (Oct 21) being the first one. The attendance yesterday was quite good, but I suspect that people expected to hear about the cure within, rather then a description of the message to come.

Sunday morning before coming going down to the Palliser I had a new thought and insight about what approach to take regarding my own writings, the message that it contains and I now want to proclaim or at least define and affirm. The insight is: “Consolidation is the Way!” regarding the formulation of my Teachings.

So, what am I waiting for?! Consolidation is the way forward, making that fresh start, which my fortune cookie suggested!

That insight results from my reading last nite the final page of my ‘Ships Notebook’ from around 2000,1,2 and the printout of the Daily Entry writings of 2015-02-12, 19, 20 and 2013-12-30. All these writings made me say to myself: ‘That then has been said already there quite clearly. This reflects what I think right now and they say what I want to say.’

Recently I added to that the notions on authority and projected power that I wrote on a few days ago, which to me is the final closing and corner stone of our own human way of ordering our experience world. The need to understand this our human position I already express on p.120 of the mentioned ‘Ships notebook’ dated 2002- Jan 22!

So, what am I waiting for?! Consolidation is the way forward, making that fresh start, which my fortune cookie of last Friday’s dinner with John at Koi’s suggested.

Daily Entry: 2015-10-19

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