, Tuesday. Powder snow storm since last night and about -7dC, winter weather in other words, but quite late in the season this year.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Good talk and Swiss peace:


~~My Sunday talk went well, next year’s theme is roughed out and I receive an email with peace attached.~~

Last Sunday I presented my talk ‘Humanity’s Threshold’ which was my best talk yet, in spite of my misgivings about it. The latter was because I could not get a satisfactory outline defined the way I usually do. The foregoing Saturday evening late I finally decided to just have an introduction and then talk around the main topics mentioned in the write up of the brochure.

These were traditional wisdom, today’s knowledge, responsibility and Existence Divine. I did have a minimal prompt sheet, but just talked freely from memory as I went, doing fine! Some of my friends suggested that this coming loose from that outline was just what I needed to do!

I had already half intuited that I was ready to have such a free flowing presentation, but was as yet too insecure to go with that approach. So, I was kind of forced into it by my own unconscious awareness, which withheld that traditional talk outline from me. I welcome this change, because it enables me to talk from my conviction and now I know I can do that.

I now am working on the theme for my talks of the up coming year. The first one with title and write up Herman expects soon, as the brochures need to be ready before the Christmas season.

Surprisingly enough I was able to decide on such a theme already on Sunday night in vague, yet definitive way. The theme addresses the idea of extending the handed down world religious narratives in such a way as to give them a common sense of origin, identity and community.

As I watched the Swiss slideshow it gave me a sensation of peace, as an island insulated from all the turmoil that stirs up our news these days.

Yesterday I received an email from Sybil in Switzerland, which had a slide show attached promoting Switzerland as a tourist destination. As I watched it gave me a sensation of peace, as an island insulated from all the turmoil that stirs up our news these days. It had an unexpected soothing affect on me! So, thanks Sybil and I will send a response later today.

Daily Entry: 2015-11-24

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