Here I am, the first day of this year’s last month, as I am completing my eightieth year! It is a wonder to behold, as I am healthy, happy with friends, family and many activities in my life, as it unfolds and I gain in understanding of it.
Past weekend I posted three talks on my website, which only had the Mayan one in place, which was my late winter talk. I have a talk for the Calgary Life Enrichment Centre each season of the year. This gives Herman and Denise a much needed break and me a focus for my studies and formulations regarding our human situation.
It is a wonder to behold, as I am healthy, happy with friends, family and many activities in my life, as it unfolds and I gain in understanding of it.
Posting these talks, complete with audio and handout information is much more complicated than the posting of a daily entry such as this one. Besides the audio files, which need converting from mp3 to ogg encoding, there are the text files that need to be marked up and the image files that need referencing and sizing at times.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about this self imposed activity, of which I’m quite proud really. But, it does take extra effort to get all the ducks lined up, as the hunters have it.
Yesterday I finally made my first step towards having an email drop box attached to my website, so visitors can leave a note and get in touch with me. It is not functioning yet, but the email address has been set up on the server by my provider. Now it’ll be up to me to get it to work, which is a new adventure for me.
Today is Safeway discount day, so I’ll be up and at it with my grocery shopping; the list lies all prepared on my kitchen table. Last Saturday I shopped for produce at DJ’s for the last time this season, while on Friday I bought candles at Ikea, before joining Herman for lunch. Now at 8:25am it’s time for that first shopping trip before I get going on my writings for today.