, Wednesday. Dark, mild, wind still; is this winter? Yes, because it is dark, but not because it’s cold!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Moist spice email and remembrance:


~~About clumpy nutmeg spice, my web email form working and the sadness of loss.~~

I’m kind of on the early side this morn, but could not catch an other ‘shut eye’ this morning as I first woke up, hence I’m early at my station today. However, no worm was awaiting me. It’s too dark for worms!

Yesterday’s shopping went o.k. except for the nutmeg spices by Sobey‘s ‘Compliments’ brand. This nutmeg spice powder is so moist, I cannot get it so flow into the dispenser! Safeway’s own brand never had such a problem, so I’ll have to go and exchange it and try another bag-let.

Yesterday I did succeed in getting the email link from my website to work. It is set up to go to an existing mail service such as g-mail. This requires for the visitor and myself to have a g-mail account, which is not ideal as google and g-mail snoop on their customers.

First you click on the form button on the far right in the menu bar of my web home page. This action will display a page with an ‘email-button’ to click and connect to a mail service display. On it you can choose g-mail or some other service, with which you have an account.

This chosen service will then send your email message to a server of my provider, which I can access and read your mailed comments and appreciations! I still have to figure out how I can use outlook instead of g-mail, but that can wait for later.

This reminds me of that book titled ‘Murray on Tuesday’, which was about its author visiting a friend on Tuesdays every week until the friend passed on.

This morning I have coffee with John and this aft I’ll visit Juliet again, as is our custom. This reminds me of that book titled ‘Murray on Tuesday’, which was about its author visiting a friend on Tuesdays every week until the friend passed on.

I visited my late friend Sharen on Wednesdays from 2004 until January 2014, when she passed on just shy of being 102 years of age! I still miss Sharen at times, because we shared an edgy kind of humour that enabled us to have many a good laugh. Sharen also was a good listener and carried a conversation well, reacting to what you would say, back and forth. I continue under ‘writings’ below, with some further thoughts on this topic.

Writings: Coping with emotions:


~~Dealing with difficult emotions and its benefit.~~

There is a certain sadness about people passing out of your life, just like I will pass out of the live of others at a certain time. This sadness is a necessary human emotion when a valued friend takes its leave by dying. This feeling of loss and emptiness must be held and cradled, because it tells you about the value of that relationship, which you don’t always appreciate when you both still live. So, this sadness will teach you about the one gone, yourself and about what exactly that value was and its meaning.

Sadness then, can act as a teacher when you don’t push it away, but it can also overwhelm and then you need to share such feelings with some one else again! Holding strong feelings in one’s awareness needs to be taught and learned.

It starts with loosing a pet for example, but you have to learn to acknowledge it. If you are taught to push it away - still upper lip - then you miss an opportunity to learn from sadness and you do learn to push it aside. This way a chance to acquire emotional type coping skills is lost, which does have consequences for later on in life.

Integrating the emotions of the human experience is work on taking down that barrier against unassimilated emotions.

Integrating the emotions of the human experience is work on taking down that barrier against unassimilated emotions. I referred to this yesterday in my writings titled ‘Balancing bodily and spiritual experience’, which relates my views on recalling past life time experiences.

This practice of learning to integrate the memories with their associated emotions enables me to recall from behind the wall the dumped - repressed - unwelcome experiences. These do need to be assimilated if I want to become a more mature person, adding new capabilities to what I am capable of as a yet developing human being; ‘a work in progress’ as I often think.

Daily Entry: 2015-12-02

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