My first laundry round is due at 8:50am, but my cycles may face interruption from people whose stuff was still occupying the washer, the dryer, the table and the floor. I found an unmitigated mess in this furnace room which some people use as if the have a private facility. un-social and even a-social behaviour has been on display here for month, but this one looks like an occupation by the uneducated uncaring. I took a photo of the scene and may pass it on the our incidental building manager.
Later today I’ll be meeting up with Don, for whom I plan to buy a birthday card. His day is St. Nikolaas day in the Netherlands! Two holy men, what a coincidence:-)! Yesterday I had coffee with John and cooked dinner with Juliet. She finds things more and more difficult to do I have noticed during the fall months. I hope we can finish her story in time.
Tomorrow I plan to join the Alexander writing group and then have a light lunch with Elisabeth. Saturday, John may be busy moving his mother once more and this time may be she will stay in Calgary. John and Tammy’s kitchen renovation is progressing well, but that may not be finished before Christmas time.
She composed the ‘Unity’ wall size weaving in 1972. It was the time of the 'October crisis' and she was in Montreal at the time.
Yesterday, on my visit downtowne I spotted the Microsoft Windows 10 ‘Step by Step' book, which I bought. I also stopped by at Ken’s dental office in Gulf Square to drop of the obituary of the Polish ‘Weaving Artist’.
She composed the ‘Unity’ wall size weaving in 1972. It was the time of the 'October crisis' and she was in Montreal at the time. The weaving composition hangs down stairs in the lobby of the Gulf building.
Time for an early stop at the laundry room at 8:45am. I was 5 laundry minutes early and timed its minutes. These turned out to correspond to my ‘Stauer’ watch minutes, except for the last one, which lasted three watch minutes! Michelle just knocked on my door to let me know that the heat was off again, while Peter arrived yesterday. Next load due at about 9:50am.
I feel like making a coffee and reading a bit in my new Microsoft 10 manual, so I’m signing off for now and the day possibly. Have a good one!