10:00am, after a coffee break>
The above mentioned realisation about consequences emerged as I started to consider the Easter Celebrations and the Gospel Narratives relating Jesus acts and teachings during his earthly sojourn. This led me to think that I cannot just have a reinterpretation of one teaching, without also saying something about those that are related. That is, if I view the birth of ‘God’s Son’ in the perspective of Existence Divine, then this will also require a change in the interpretation of the events narrated after that initial birth narrative.
The doctrines and teachings of the Christian church are related and linked, forming a reference framework that has a certain consistency. Those teachings are referenced to the Old Testament scrolls as these were known in the tradition of the Jewish people.
However, the Christian Church after some time, rearranged the order of the scrolls that followed those attributed to Moses - the Torah. These rearranged subsequent scrolls, Prophets and Writings were sequenced such as to show that the birth of Jesus the Messiah was foretold by the Old Testament books. That was a new interpretation on the part of the young Christian Church.
However, the Christian Church after some time, rearranged the order of the scrolls that followed those attributed to Moses - the Torah
Recalling this reformulation of old teachings I have also come this across in other religions. The Jewish scribes themselves acknowledge that Abraham’s God “Al Shaddah” is different from the later revelation to Moses at the burning bush, where Moses is told that God’s name is “I am, That I am”. There are other such changes in the Old Testament.
We also know from within Christianity - Luther, Calvin - that new teachings are discovered and supported by Biblical passages that hitherto had been overlooked. The Islamic tradition knows the Wahhabi Fundamentalism as a new interpretation of an ‘old message’.
Sociologists have noted that such going back to fundamentals constitutes in effect a new message that is based on a reinterpretation of ‘the old teachings’.
Sociologists have noted that such going back to fundamentals constitutes in effect a new message that is based on a reinterpretation of ‘the old teachings’. This kind of renewal can be observed in the history of all world religions and is experienced as a new revelation at the time, inspiring new action.
I have noted that this type of process in a general sense occurs at boundary situations and is particular to time, place, people and circumstance. I call this the condition for a revelation to occur, which includes new ideas, insights, discoveries, not limited to a religious setting.
A boundary situation is encountered when all known remedies, theories and teachings have been unable to resolve the problem at hand. When humans reach such a boundary of the ‘known’, an opening occurs to let in the ‘unknown’, the ‘un-thought-of’ and new associations are made, resulting in the emergence of new insights.
The crux of the matter here that one needs to recognise the urgency of the boundary situation as well as its nature. Subterfuge is not far away when powers hang in the balance and in such situations we should reference the handed down wisdom which may inform us without precluding required change and adaptation.
Not recognising the boundary situation or worse, avoiding making the necessary changes, leads down the road of collapse and disappearance, or the ‘end of the world’ as some people perceive at times, which for their world may very well be true, for the reasons just mentioned.
The human religious and cultural tradition do not teach the valuing and honouring of other-believers, which has become necessary today.
After this long lead up I now come to my point as follows. Our world today is in the boundary situation of merging traditions and cultures. The size of the human population is forcing us to confront our neighbours who have different rules, styles, values and convictions.
The human religious and cultural tradition do not teach the valuing and honouring of other-believers, which has become necessary today. To this end we need a reinterpretation of the handed down wisdom that addresses this new modern boundary situation on our planet earth.
<11:00am and edited 8:21pm,'15-12-30~