, Friday. Clear, sunny and mild wintery on this New Year’s Day! Best wishes to all and humankind, as we learn to live with our diversity.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: New year activities:


~~Neighbourly cheers, emails and late cards mark the end of 2015 and bring in the New Year.~~

I do want to make an entry today, because I still have a few points to add under ‘Writings’ that relate to those of the last few days in 2015. I’m on the threshold so to speak, like in my talk of last November.

Last night Michelle came down for a glass of rum and eggnog with which we rang in the new year, wishing each other the best for the year to come. We chatted for a good hour relating family events and some personal activities. I did not hear from my own family as yet, but did get an email from Jeltsje in Egypt. No midnight celebrations there in Aswan, where the economy is like a deflated tire without the tourism.

This morning I hang my new 2016 calendars, with the one from Berlin my prize piece and I folded my Holland 2015 calendar with thanks, albeit with some sadness too.

This morning I hang my new 2016 calendars, with the one from Berlin my prize piece and I folded my Holland 2015 calendar with thanks, albeit with some sadness too. I am one calendar short and will look around for a suitable specimen.

I plan to take down all the Christmas decorations, but leave a few cards since two arrived yet a few days ago from my younger sister and brother Tieneke and Okkie in Holland.
<10:24am and here is that coffee time again.

Writings: Meaning within Existence Divine:


~~I identify meaning for Humanity and the person within Existence Divine, while respecting the diversity of traditions.~~

Two more points to add to the five forgoing of the last few days of last year!

Now at 10:50am, after that coffee and some in between clearing of some strategically located decorations that allowed the raising a blind to take the sun rays off my laptop screen and now on to the two intended topics.

These two additional topics are concerned first with the meaning of existence of humanity in general and secondly with that of the individual in particular.

Now 6:55pm; I did not get very far this morning because of a long phone call with my brother in law Jan, my lunch and a good snooze. And I did not quite feel ready to expand on the ideas of meaning for humanity and the individual human person. However, now after supper I have a description that fits. Here it is:

These two additional topics are concerned first with the meaning of existence of humanity in general and secondly with that of the individual in particular.

Meaning within Existence Divine:

Two additional topics are concerned first with the meaning of existence of humanity in general and secondly with that of the individual in particular.

Existence Divine includes all there is. This includes the various religious and ideological traditions of humanity, past and present. Only by giving ‘equal rights’ to each can we start working towards accommodating our human diversities.

The problem of meaning arises in that each tradition has its own view of what is meaningful. Therefore, we need to find a formulation of meaning and purpose that is general enough to accommodate these differing versions and understandings about a meaningful existence.

This formulation can be found by expanding the role of humanity within existence, defining its uniqueness and describing the role of the individual within it, each making a personal contribution.

This formulation can be found by expanding the role of humanity within existence, defining its uniqueness and …

I have some ideas regarding this formulation, but that would lead into too much detail and will have to wait for a dedicated exposition along with those for the five ideas presented earlier. For now I will use the titles ‘Meaning for Humanity’ and ‘Personal Meaning’, both understood to be within Existence Divine.

Adding these two titles to the previous five, gives us a total of seven (7) that make up the central framework of Existence Divine. To bring this into formulation this Christmas and New Years was my aim, dating back to earlier this Fall.
<7:21pm and 7:30pm~

Daily Entry: 2016-01-01

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