, Wednesday. Overcast and winter, but barely it is so mild today.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Making change and Bowie:


~~I report on my process of making changes in my activities and read about .~~

A bit late today, but before 10am! This morning I awoke at about 8am after a straight sleep through for eight hours while still in my ‘starting’ position, that is on my back; very unusual this.

The other thing that is unusual today is that this my last customary "Daily Entry”. This as an outcome of yesterday’s re-examination of my daily activities, an endeavour I would undertake as mentioned yesterday. Today I want to describe the outcome of this process below under ‘Writings’.

This walk helped me along in identifying the changes I am considering making in my daily entries for example, as I will explain below.

Yesterday I did go for my walk, a haircut and a coffee at Good Earth at on the way back. This walk helped me along in identifying the changes I am considering making in my daily entries for example, as I will explain below. But, I had set aside the whole day for this reassessment process, so I kept at it until the very moment that I retired!

During the day I did read quite a bit about , born as David Johnston. I had never heard of this artist ever, though I do know about , , , , and , and others. So, kept some obituary material, just to read it over again and possibly buy some related music by Bowie.

Writings: Three point plan:


~~I list my to focus on and comment on my own view for making such change.~~

Here follows the changes I plan to make, though I intend to keep the format flexible as I try things out. I plan to make three changes, which are not all new, but continuations with a change in emphasis you could say.

    My plan has three components as follows:
  1. Morning: Formulating my Message and Teachings.
  2. Afternoon: Ordering and sorting my books, papers and discarding.
  3. Evening: Reading and noting my written and catalogued note books.

Will I stick to this rigidly every day? I doubt it, but I may do one morning activity one day and the evening activity the next, since I also need to accommodate my social activities. So, I have these activities as intentions to do in the mentioned time slots taking their turn.

How to incorporate some daily affairs instead of the diary? Maybe I’ll use the idea of short notes - activity notes - just as reminders of what I did and possibly accumulate these weekly. Neither have I resolved the web posting aspect of all this.

However, the last minute idea I had before retiring last night - see diary - was: ’Start a new category on your website‘. This I feel is worth exploring, but I’ll first have to try out my new activity plan.

Similarly last fall, I started cataloguing my note books, over thirty in all, with the notion of studying them.

A note of interest is that this present change process has a parallel with the way I came to start my website back in 2009. At that time I had explored it already in the fall of 2008 and then slowly focussed in on what I wanted to do, resulting in my first Daily Entry for 2009 May eight, I think.

Similarly last fall, I started cataloguing my note books, over thirty in all, with the notion of studying them. Also last fall my talk ‘’ was the start of a new theme of presenting my own views after all the studying I’ve done.

So, here I am seven years hence, making changes again. And by the way, even in my professional life, I held that around the seven year mark it is a good time to do something different. After seven years or so I felt you’d become too much fixed in your routine and I would be more effective doing a different activity. And I did do that, thought I stayed with for twenty six year, changing positions four times!

Daily Entry: 2016-01-13

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