I’m at a cross road this morning. How do I follow up on my intent to make a change from my established pattern of making my ‘Daily Entries’ for almost seven years? This question arises from my reading an entry dated 2010-06-25. It made me realise the value of making such recordings enabling me to make a connection with my past. Secondly, I was impressed with the clarity of the writing, which emphasised the value of that activity as a stimulation in my own daily life.
In addition to the above reaching back, this morning I had a new valuable insight about experience as spirit versus experience as human being. That would have been a natural for ‘Writings’, but I hesitate on account of my newly intended initiative resolved and expressed last week in this rubric.
What has been emerging since about May last year, is an urge to write on ideas in a more connected way, developing a train of thought or theme.
Writing along as I do this morning as per above, a new realisation is emerging in me. It regards the need to do-make a change in my ‘Writings’, while maybe not as much in my Diary. The nature of a diary is that it is ad hock, each entry standing by it self except for the need to explain large time gaps between entries.
My ’Writings’ so far also have been ad hock in most cases, with some exceptions, where I developed a theme. What has been emerging since about May last year, is an urge to write on ideas in a more connected way, developing a train of thought or theme.
In fact I have been doing this using my Blue Norcom Cahier since last May to this very effect. All its ca 67 pages are relating to the theme of formulating a teaching as well as a framework of belief. My entries in that note book were often made late at night and always hand written.
I reviewed that notebook’s writings yesterday as part of my intent to study my own writings. This in turn was triggered by my reading the entry of 2015-09-09, which I’d printed off as a trial for my new method of making morning writings and not making a webpage out of it. This entry referred to the mentioned Blue Norcom Cahier, which I’d forgotten about. I had to look around quite a bit, before I found it at the bottom of a reference pile for my last talk titled ‘Humanity’s Threshold’. This ‘refind’ kept me occupied yesterday as I searched for a way to proceed.
Now, while recording all this I am making clear to myself that I need to follow up on my mentioned urge and start writing on a theme and not so much the ad hock type writings I deployed up until now. I may still write on an ‘insight’, but will relate it to the theme topic at hand.
The theme from that dream is: ‘The old teachings of 2 000 years ago need to be added to for today!’
Perusing my notes in the Norcom note book made me realise that this is the place from which to start, follow it and see what I can do with it. It definitely has a theme, which starts right on the first page with a dream record dated 2015-05-28. The theme from that dream is: ‘The old teachings of 2 000 years ago need to be added to for today!’, while a second dream of 2015-09-09 urges me to break with established authority. So, I’ve got my work cut out for me!
<9:43am and 9:57am.