, Friday. Clear, mild and sun up coming.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Weekly report this time:


~~I count the events from this week in one entry as most of this week’s writing relates to ‘composing my message’.~~

This last day of January needs a regular Daily Entry as the last of the month, since I make no entries on the weekends. This week unfolded as usual with a visit to Juliet, some shopping, reading and net-cruising.

Yesterday the Shaw man came to install the digital adapter for my analogue - CRT - type TV. I got it to work once I realised that I have to set the TV to channel 2 where it connects to the DVD drive through which the new box operates.

To day John and I have planned a lunch, after which Shirley and I may get together if she feels up to a visit. I missed meeting up with Don since my car is still in park, but we’ll meet next week at Chinook instead of the Kingsland market. And, some time next week Tim and I will meet up again and review the world of politics.

This last day of January needs a regular Daily Entry as the last of the month, since I make no entries on the weekends.

Under ‘Writings’ below, I’ll report on my progress with my work relating to formulating my ideas and insights on ‘my message'. The ‘Assembly’ result I have posted on my website, complete with a front/home-page direct link to the location under the categoryTopicals’.

I am making slow but steady progress with the sorting and organising of my files. The main thing here is that I keep at it and not drop it again after a flurry of activities.

The one that will need some attention this weekend is the house cleaning, which I now do in stages instead of in one fell swoop. Tidying up and dusting is followed by vacuuming and dusting, then comes the cleaning of the sinks, bathroom fixtures and is closed of with a floor washing in the kitchen and bathroom. And there you have it, while though a house man’s work is never done, but it can be stopped!

Writings: Progressing with My Message:


~~Below some detail on work and progress formulating ‘my message’, as being a personal life view.~~

This week I assembled ‘An Assembly’ of concepts and ideas relating to my ‘message’ as I called that. I posted this on my website with this link if you want to look. This ’Assembly’ is posted under the ‘Topicals’ menu bar link on my homepage. Yesterday I completed a tentative outline for the essay ‘Existence Divine Belief Framework’ as it is called now. It too will be posted once it is firmed up. You may note that there is an overlap between ‘My Message’ and the Existence Divine idea.

The next stage in the composition of this essay is to flesh out the first draft, which I have already started. The mentioned outline will form the skeleton or ‘cabinet tree’ in which the various content items will have to find a place. This will involve the reading, collecting and sifting thru of the various earlier writings around this topic.

This is the funnelling stage and process that is so dear to my friend Jack’s heart and is a useful concept to keep in mind. I usually use the idea of bringing things into focus, but that does not include the gathering and sorting.

This is the funnelling stage and process that is so dear to my friend Jack’s heart and is a useful concept to keep in mind.

At present I have enough material sitting around to start on the gathering and collecting, which then need to be followed by cutting, paring, combining and rewording to funnel it into the now tentative draft outline. The late fall of this year is my tentative timeline, but I also have to do work on my talks and the first one of these titled ‘World Narrative’ is scheduled for March 18. I give myself three weeks to get my talks together, which may seem like a long time to take, but it is all new material this time around, which needs ‘gestation’ time.

Not much writing ‘Writings’, but rather a report on “Writing’s progress", going like that well known pilgrim!

Daily Entry: 2016-01-29

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