Existence Divine Insights A.D Vander Vliet, Calgary, 2016-02-04

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Diary: Existence Divine Insights:


Narration of an insight.

Existence Divine Insights
A.D Vander Vliet, Calgary, 2016-02-04
Dynamic aspects:
Two days ago, walking along the old Zeller’s store at Chinook to meet my friend Don I was struck by the following insight “Existence Divine is Dynamic”. I kept it in my mind as I walked on to meet Don. In the time after this event I kept trying to give a more explicit formulation to this idea of ‘dynamics’, but they all were dead ends.

The Genesis creation story seems to define a certain status quo between God and the human within which the human must now function.

I was comparing Existence Divine with Pantheism for example, but no new ideas flowed from that other than noting that Pantheism seems to declare a state of existence, while Existence Divine formulates a process. That is as far as I got with that. The same happened when I tried to compare Christianity with Existence Divine. The Genesis creation story seems to define a certain status quo between God and the human within which the human must now function.

However, I just could not get any further, until this morning, when I came to the place where I just proclaimed as it were, how Existence Divine is dynamic, without referring to handed down traditions. This is what I now want to explore and express.
Toshiba C:\Users\Tony-Vliet\Documents\Tonys Documents\Framework-for-Human-Experience\Existence Divine Insights.docx

Writings: Existence Divine Dynamics:


Insight description

Existence Divine Dynamics:
The human being explores what is possible within the realm of humanity and works out what it finds, formulating the world of human experience. This includes the ‘working in the sweat of his brow’ and ‘her giving birth in pain’, but as the record shows there is much more than that. Humans have accomplished amazing things in the sixty millennia so far and show no sign of slowing down.

Humans are free agents in exploring what is possible within the scope of our being human in this biological body and this physical world.

Are we fulfilling a predefined destiny in this? The one I have discerned is that our human contributions to Existence Divine are unique in all its aspects as we discover our limits as well as our potentials. One such unique discovery is ‘Ethics’ and the many other rules of behaviour that govern our societies. These rules are discoveries just like the discovery of the elements or the laws of planetary motion. We humans through our actions and exploration make these discoveries and in this alone the dynamics of Existence Divine come into expression.

Humans are free agents in exploring what is possible within the scope of our being human in this biological body and this physical world. As such we are also informed by our human traditions that are handed down to us from past generation, who made their own earlier discoveries. All of these taken together enhancing Existence Divine, revealing its mystery in this dynamic process, bringing it to conscious and sharable understanding.

Daily Entry: 2016-02-04

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