, Tuesday. Veiled sky, bright, sunny and mild as well. Where is winter?

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Potpourri:


~~A dream with a message, walking around town and visits with family and friend.~~

Where do I start this morning? Several items cross my mind, such as a dream, writings, events of this family weekend. The old TV show ‘What’s my line’ comes to mind. Maybe I should do a meditation, but those are not always productive with me in that this gives too much attention to it. I find it often more productive to do something while letting thoughts and insights come to me. This is how I’ll proceed.

The dream was quite busy with much company and activities. Then the scene shifts to where I’m to perform holding up 5-lbs dumbbell weights, with my arms up. As I’m about to do so my right leg collapses from under me - in the dream- and I now wake up from a severe cramp in my leg that collapsed in the dream! I counter stretch right away and slowly straighten my right leg. After some time I go back to sleep, but when I get up this morning the calve muscle is still sensitive.

Now that I have this interpretation I have to intuit and notice whether it ‘rings true’ or resonates within, which takes some time.

What to make of this dream? I have had cramps in that leg before occasionally, but now I have a dream to go along with it. It shows me that any more additional exercise, which the dumbbells would represent, is not something to pursue. And stronger even, that I should cut back on my walking, such as I did late yesterday afternoon to the ‘Globe and World News’ at 9th and 17th SW.

I knew then that I was pushing it, but did not really want to admit that. I used to walk twice as far with ease and now am reluctant to let go of half that. Now that I have this interpretation I have to intuit and notice whether it ‘rings true’ or resonates within, which takes some time.

Yesterday was Family day long weekend. I visited with John and Annie on Saturday by train to Anderson station, where John was waiting for me, now thanks to my WinFone call! I brought Annie a Valentine’s treat for Sunday from the Patisserie across the street. The kitchen is all finished now and looks very impressive. John and I had our tea at the island’s counter, but the decorations still have to be hung. After the tea John and Annie drove me over to Shirley’s as that end of towne, where she and I had coffee at a new patisserie there. We talked about family affairs, mostly hers as she was over the year before for the funeral of her mother.

After the coffee, Shirley dropped me off at Heritage where the Elbow bus appeared in short time to take me home. So far my use of the transit system has been quite satisfactory, however that will be less so, if my walking distances are going to be shorter.

By the way, on my walk yesterday afternoon I counted then (10) building crane as I looked north towards downtown from Royal Ave sw. So much for Calgary having a slow down, but these are large buildings and once above ground level they have to go the distance up! This can take two years at times.

And, last but not least, I am made good progress on the ‘College of Magical KnowledgeRavensburger puzzle last Sunday evening, which is now its designated time!

Writings: Seven Concept hubs identified:


~~This weekend’s gestation delivers seven concept hubs around which I intend to compose my world view.~~

This weekend I deliberately did not spend time on my ‘writings and compositions’ relating to Existence Divine. I felt this complicated process needed some ‘gestation’ time. Only late last night did I list seven points that I now have corralled so to speak, as listed below.

Definition of Religion: Restructure the past to create a perspective on the future that enables action in the present.

    Reference Points for my world view and insights.
    (From my notes in the “4 Subject Notebook” with the coloured tabs.):
  1. Definition of Religion. Restructure the past to create a perspective on the future that enables action in the present.
  2. Existence Divine a knowable mystery.
  3. Known in Time, Place, People and Circumstance (TPPC) - revealed.
  4. Existence Divine Belief Framework.
  5. Monograph.
  6. Four (4) Talks of 2016.
  7. My Message.

You might call these my net work hubs around which I intend to gather and compose thoughts and insights to make a mosaic of my world view that is comprehensible. Coffee at 10:08am.
To compose my upcoming talk “World Narrative” I now intent to cherry pick from these mentioned idea-hubs listed above. This way this talk will relate to what is to follow in the upcoming talks and the compositions I intend to write.

This first talk I intend to make the opener for the idea of adding to handed down traditions from two thousand years ago, as I proclaimed in my dream of 2015-05-28 and reported in my ‘Blue Norcom’ cahier and listed in my last Fall’s (2015) catalogue.
So far, so good.<10:34am and 10:42 edited~

Daily Entry: 2016-02-16

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