, Friday. right, mild with veiled sunlight.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Bus route agent and coffee:


~~Exploring transit apps or agents and coffee with Don.~~

The bus-travel mobile phone application programme is working very nicely. Through it I’m discovering and noticing travel option I had not noticed before. Yesterday I learned that the 73-bus shares a stop with the 3-bus, which enables me to go from here to the Blackfoot Inn in not using the 19$-taxi!

This app I got through the good offices of the Calgary transit employee at the down town office. This app even gives me walk times between bus stops and other travel times. It goes all out locating a Dutch - with postal code - location at 4600 miles that looked like ‘Marda Loop’! No estimate of the walk time was reportedJ!

This app I got through the good offices of the Calgary transit employee at the down town office.

This morning I want to get on with my ‘World narrative’ essay statement, so I’ll be short. Don and I had a long coffee talk yesterday which ranged from weather manipulation by the authorities to family affairs and animal well being. Don has a much loved dog and I know from experience that animals can be important companions. Later on lunch with Herman, which will give me a chance to practice my new bus route conveyance agent.

Daily Entry: 2016-02-26

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