, Wednesday. Clear, cool sunny and seasonal.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Web files with attitude:


~~Double referenced directory conundrum and starting a short essay on last Sunday’s talk topic ‘A World narrative’.~~

After yesterday’s laundry I did not do too much, because it was one pm before I laid down for a long snooze, which lasted till well past three pm! However, in the evening I worked for several hours updating and readying the varies pages for last Sunday’s talk to be webposted.

In the end I ran into a file path problem that had a self duplicated directory reference in it, which does not occur in the HTML file.

In the end I ran into a file path problem that had a self duplicated directory reference in it, which does not occur in the HTML file. I suspect that this double reference occurs from the way I accessed the files from within notepad++, my editing software. I’ll try again after I come home from my visit with Juliet.

Today a visit with Juliet, who I have not seen for fourteen days. We will be starting on the last chapter of her “My Story”. We won’t make the Easter ‘deadline’, but I’ll suggest the May long weekend instead.

I had a notion today, on getting up, to initiate ‘a short essay’ relating to my talk ‘A world narrative’ of last Sunday and this I’ll start now instead of doing today’s ‘writings’.

Writings: Short essay maybe:


~~See my short essay to come on ‘A World Narrative‘; see surprise below.~~

A World Narrative - Short Essay.

From notes in my celestial travel note book, pp.54-57, on 2016-03-16, I.e. yesterday, at Savour’s.

p.54: Accommodation of the world’s religions & ideologies within the Existence Divine reference.
Each religion a unique expression/ revelation of the Mystery which expresses in a multitude of variety that is our human heritage, to be consciously understood, celebrated and accommodated in mutual respect among these expressions.

It is not about which one is right or true over the other, but rather what is the truth of its own uniqueness! P55: To hold the old as more true than the new, or to judge the modern to be superior over the foregoing, is a misreading of the process of evolvements and understanding through which development takes place.

We can be informed and guided by the past, but we need to add and develop what is appropriate for our own time, adding to what earlier generations discovered then, like we do now!

To not add to what comes down to us is being delinquent of our own talents, experience and invalidates our own values and discovery.
P.56: We are engaged in a process of continues development that reveals the Mystery of existence that appears to deepen the more we learn & know.

It is a process of unfoldment, change and atrophication too, yet change must come with care and fortitude. Fast change can be destabilising and disorienting, threatening disorder. So, we need to strike a balance, which is found by considering our heritage & handed down tradition. Striking/ finding this balance is a continuing challenge that has no final state - it is a process, like a tree, which grows (p57:) a little each season, until it stops and dies.

This process of human development in revealing the knowable Mystery of Existence Divine is humanity’s unique contribution to the totality that is Existence Divine.

So, we must become conscious of our own process as humanity, understand it, recognise it for what it is. This is our charge as conscious beings, who must understand their own process, discover their own purpose formulating it as we live.

Daily Entry: 2016-03-16

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