, Tuesday. Overcast and seasonal.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Colleaguel meets and Gnostics discussed:


~~Breakfast with aging colleagues, discussing bible history with Don and a book lent.~~

Yesterday this time I was having breakfast with my former and retired colleagues at the Motel Village. It took me half an hour by bus, train and foot; the car takes about as long. I was the ninth to join and came right on time to order my favourite choice of Eggs-Benedict with spinach for about 16$$ making it twenty with coffee and tip.

Age is starting to show on all of us, but in one or two cases it was a surprise for me.

Age is starting to show on all of us, but in one or two cases it was a surprise for me and disconcerting too. My old surveyor colleague Ed was almost out of bounds being at our monthly get together. I am still affected by his story and state, as I realise this may have been a last time. I say this, because not everyone comes every time, including myself. Maybe, I should go more often.

I did not do much yesterday except for a little shopping and much resting and sleeping. The latter not on account that all things being in order, but rather because of a listlessness that comes over me at times. I feel at times that I need more stimulation in my social life, such as going to a movie or so, even just by my self. I may do that tonight. And while I think of it I’ll phone my sister Els right now at 9:23am! But … not at home; later better.

Yesterday Don called and we had long conversation about the Gnostics and their books, most of which were not included in the Bible directly. However, the gospel attributed to John did address many of their concerns and is aimed at including them into the early church.

I also left my copy of ? titled ‘The Koran and the Prophet’ dedicated to his two sons, with my colleague Dave, who is reading in the Koran at this time. Last, but not least, I did some contemplating yesterday and will report on that below.

Writings: Reshaping religions and interconnected existence:


~~I explore the reshaping - ‘om-forming’ - of religions and our modern interconnected existence.~~

It took until after supper yesterday, before I had some sense or insight as to how to proceed forward with my talks and writings for this year with respect to adding to present religious teachings. The latter is my intended aim, but I am stuck as to the how and the what of this intention.

Yesterday after supper then, after much searching, considering and rejecting of ideas, the Dutch word ‘omvormen’ surfaced in me. ‘Religions need an ‘omvorming‘ was my realisation. The word ‘om-vorming’ means re-shaping’, except that re would be ‘her’ in Dutch, which implies a return to roots. The word ‘om-forming’ implies shaping (forming) to make it fit better, while ‘om’ implies a transition from one form to another, one that is suited better.

The word ‘om-forming’ implies shaping (forming) to make it fit better, while ‘om’ implies a transition from one form to another, one that is suited better.

I elaborate on this subtle variation in meaning, because we have more than enough ‘a going back to the roots’ type of thinking. What we need more specifically is an incorporating of modern findings and a responding to present day developments and needs.

So, combining yesterday’s ‘om-forming’ with this mornings insight I phrase my insight as follows: ‘We need to reshape our religions by incorporating modern knowledge and deal with present day situations.’ This means firstly, the incorporation into the teaching the findings of modern sciences and secondly, the development of teachings that aim at accepting and valuing other beliefs and their believers as equals.

On awaking this morning, I slowly extracted the notion that I need to commit to and live from the knowledge that all of existence is interconnected. I grew up with the idea that space was empty outside our planet’s atmosphere. That view is no longer valid, but still lingers with me. Today we know that outer space may have no air to breath, but do know that it is ‘saturated’ with radiation of all kinds, to which we humans are subject.

In addition we also have the matter of dark energy and dark substance present everywhere, so we certainly are not bodily isolation, but are potentially if not connected, certainly entangled. This leads me to the conclusion that we must be open to an interconnectedness with all that exists, exploring its potential to make new discoveries, viewing our human consciousness as a work in progress, which may never be complete’.

Daily Entry: 2016-03-22

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