, Thursday. Overcast, some rain and mild.

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Diary: Thinking tools and photo work:


~~I find that Constructism fits with deconstruction as a tool of thought and use Photo Elements for Juliet’s photos.~~

It is almost coffee time, but I was looking up ‘Constructism’ and ‘construct’ in some of my philosophy references. My Dutch ‘Thinking Tools’ had something useful in its last chapter ‘The bare hand’, as tool meaning the human it self. The author classifies this tool as ‘deconstruction’, but goes on to say that we humans go on to make constructions too.

This line of thought is similar to what I intend with ‘Constructism’. Wouters little book has an English cousin in ‘Tools for Thought’ by . So much for my delayed start up with this Daily Entry.

My Dutch ‘Thinking Tools’ had something useful in its last chapter ‘The bare hand’, as tool meaning the human it self.

Yesterday I spent quite a bit of time on marking up the daily entry ‘Writings’ portion, which was unusual in its make up. I read it over several times and have more to say about it under ‘Writings’ for today. I also fixed up some photos for Juliet using Photo Elements. I took these photos two weeks ago and had some time yesterday as we moved our visit to today.

I also located the two missing talks entrees of 2014, which will have to posted as soon as possible. However, in order to do that I need to locate the related presentation folder with the background notes. This will require some significant sorting in my various collection or ‘Put-Piles’ as I used to call those at the start of my computer writing entries. So, there is work to do, but coffee comes before that!

Writings: Constructism elaborations:


~~I discover connectedness among yesterday’s pencil note concepts and expand on that notion, resulting in an inclusive construct.~~

Yesterday I read my writings section on the Constructism notes several times. In so doing, I discovered a certain cohesion emerging among the different concepts. Starting with Constructism’s two points, then the example of a construct, with the process of becoming conscious coming next and ending with the idea of boundary condition. Continued rereading - as if making myself conscious of these concepts’ relatedness - made me realise that even ‘terrorism’ belongs, in that it is an example a boundary event, where there is an unresolved conflict.

This morning I can see the connectedness and classify terrorism as an act of deconstruction. But, we have deconstruction going on in the politics of the now late , former mayor of Toronto. And not to be left behind, there are the deconstructive challenges posed by in the US pre-election run-up.

Such changes never come without challenges, conflicts or fights, because power and influence are not given up willingly.

So, deconstruction and the breakdown of handed down narrative is present in force and not to be ignored. All these events and behaviours point to the need for changes in the established order and power structures.

Such changes never come without challenges, conflicts or fights, because power and influence are not given up willingly. If they were, the resulting structures of authority would be unstable and collapse soon after they were agreed to.

Returning to my own ideas on Constructism, the notion is emerging for me that it is a tool to be used in relation to ‘Existence Divine’. This latter idea is a religious concept, while Constructism is philosophical in nature. The two can be used in a sort of two step description of the human situation, recognising that religious ideas have brought humanity to its present state, imperfectly though effectively, but that today we have to add our own constructs.

Now that we are becoming conscious of this process, some deconstruction is needed, but new constructs need to be formed, because without a functioning frame work the human experience becomes chaotic, which would be detrimental. This is why terrorism is dangerous and a serious warning sign to get moving on the restructing of our global framework that is all inclusive.

Finally starting with the idea of Constructism we have the construct of Existence Divine that accommodates all human narratives including postmodernism. The relevant process that is in operation here is ‘the becoming of, becoming conscious, conscious’ as a waking up process of humanity, as to who and what we are and how we got here.

This becoming conscious process confronts us continuously with the boundary situation through which new consciousness is acquired. The signals that go off in such boundary situations are deconstruction and terrorism if and when the old order persists in its ways.

Daily Entry: 2016-03-31

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