Laundry day again, but with a dryer load going already and just one load in the washer! I’ll be done early this time, partly on account of having hit the bottom of my detergent pit a situation to be remedied tomorrow on shopping day.
Last Friday Herman and I met for lunch at the Blackfoot Inn, which was very quiet. Saturday, Elisabeth and I met for a coffee and a chat of course, after which we watched some building crane work on 17th Ave as we made our way to London drugs, from where we each went our ways. The weather was conducive to a walk home, but the wind started to pick up as went.
Later today Jack and I will have our regular coffee meet. Yesterday I lent him a taped copy of my talk on the 13th of March, which he missed. I’m curious as to his comments, which are always specific and helpful; Herman commented that he liked the clarity with which I explained Existence Divine I that same talk. I’m learning, :-)!
During this past weekend I took up sorting of a pile of writings, talk records and mementos. Even last night I took some time for this project. My strategy is to first sort and identify the content of the collection’s various clusters and label each, such as ‘Talks 2014’ or ‘Writings on Belief Framework’.
I had landed in Toronto on the 11th that instance [Aug 1959]! Seven days to find my first job in a new country!
I aim to get through all the collections this way, which will give me an overview of what I have produced over the years. For example, I uncovered the record of pay for my first job in Timmins, 1959-08-18. I had landed in Toronto on the 11th that instance! Seven days to find my first job in a new country! This record belongs in the mementos department no doubt!
But, I also so found writing from 1958, 1961 to 1964 and 1984 to 1986. The latter has about five pages titled ‘Becoming 50’ written on that birthday! And browsing through these various writings I am struck by their clarity, insight and conclusions, but also by the absence of how to act on such insights. This last aspect is much more present in my present writings and talks as well. Interesting …, Elisabeth would say, as she so often does!
Laundry time as 9:46am.