, Monday. Sun with cloud and cool.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Weekend activities and Symbols boxes:


~~Monday morning lightness, New Calgary Library Lego visit and Dragons returned. ~~

Here I am again. No spoken for coffee today, no laundry, no shopping, just a plain open Monday awaits me! I always appreciated the Monday’s when I was living in my old home town Zeist, NL. Throughout the Netherlands shops are closed on Monday mornings, as legislated. That always made for a very relaxed start of the week, because most places were closed for service or trade. That is how this Monday feels to me now!

Throughout the Netherlands shops are closed on Monday mornings, as legislated. That always made for a very relaxed start of the week.

However, I did want to make an entry for this day, so here I am typing away, whereas I used to write longhand until early May of 2009, when I decided to ‘write’ on the computer. That was an iBook that Derrick - now Metta - had given me the preceding fall. I replaced that computer when it started giving me the ‘black-screen’ treatment that no one knew how to fix. So much for Apple as far as I was concerned.

This past weekend we had very nice weather, which will continue all this week. I walked to the Palliser yesterday, while on Saturday I met with John and Annie at the Central library, walking to it as well. There we admired the New Library Lego model, though it did not show much of the way it will look on the inside. That will have to wait until 2018 if all goes according to plan.

I had a little fun keychain for Annie, which she appreciated, and for John I had his old Dungeons and Dragons books from the 1980-ties. These I had come across again while inspecting the last of my two ‘Symbols’ boxes, which I am sorting through at present. It contains much more writing then I expected and is already sorted and labelled in sections.

At present I am sorting through the first ‘Symbols’ box, which is less organised. It contains a thick pile of Left_Hand drawings; I knew I had some, but not as many. Maybe this aft will see some activity on this lazy Monday!

Writings: Relating dream and talk:


~~I explore the connection between last night’s dream and my current search for Christianity’s added message.~~

This morning I woke up with the memory of a dream fragment as follows. In the dream I say, “I’m returning from war, the big one, not the little one. The one in Syria, Israel actually, technically.” Saying this, I was carrying the big type soldier’s bag and equipment swung over my shoulder, wearing dark green fatigues, as I emerged from a sandy and dusty land. That is it for the dream scene.

The dream left me feeling that I had accomplished something important, but not that the war was over. It was more in the sense that it was the end of my turn of duty, with my mission accomplished.

The odd thing is however, that I have never been in those countries and never have been in actual service. This makes the dream totally symbolic to me and may refer to my struggle cum battle regarding Christianity and its message for today. I’ll have to ‘live’ with this notion and the dream for a while, for a firm meaning to precipitate out.

9:20am Phone call from Don, who is in Saskatchewan, after which I changed shirts, putting on my solid dark green shirt even, while I was already wearing my green ‘bear’ house pants. Now I’m dressed like being the soldier in my dream!

My upcoming talk on June 12 is titled 'Adding to Old Teachings - I' and will deal with new ideas relating to the Christian message.

My upcoming talk on June 12 is titled “Adding to Old Teachings - I” and will deal with new ideas relating to the Christian message. Last night, thinking this over before retiring, I resolved that there were two aspects to be addressed. What is Christian Charity today? This relates to the looking after your own as the early Christians did in antiquity during plagues and the other is the not offering allegiance to Caesar, as God was the highest authority.

In Canada, our own who are not looked after are our Native Canadian neighbours. And refusal to pay tribute to the standard authority may lie in questioning the values that prevail in our society today, where bottom line outcomes trump the top priority of services delivered.

Daily Entry: 2016-04-11

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