, Tuesday. Sunny and warm up to 24dC today!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Breakfast and floppy copy:


~~I join former colleagues for a morning bite and company. This is followed by copying floppy disks to terra firma in Toshiba land.~~

The weather this spring is unusually warm and all people enjoy this unexpected weathering treat, while also hoping for some much needed moisture to come to plant kingdom. Yesterday morning I joined my old colleagues for breakfast at the Best Western. I took the transit again going and returning, getting there took me about 30 minutes. The car could not do it faster during rush hour. In the aft I had a walk and a break at Savour’s where I read my daily paper.

In the evening I spent several hours after supper on my ‘Floppy Disk’ project. I have developed a more elaborate method in which I make a folder for each physical floppy disk. Each such folder gets a txt file with notes relating to the disk’s files subject when needed. This text file is accumulative for the files in the ‘box-folder’. The disk folders get their own adapted name signifying the theme of the contained files.

In the evening I spent several hours after supper on my ‘Floppy Disk’ project.

I have come across some surprises among the picture and doc files both and that is part of the reason I have elaborated my documentation as I went along. I am now going back to the remaining files and folders to elaborate them as well. The Box1 folder is now complete with the mentioned text file comments and theme names for each disk-folder in the Box folder.

I have four (4) readable Box folders and a Box5 with disks that cannot be addressed even, thought they are not empty. I suspect file allocation table problems with these disks, as the programme wants to format the disk, which would cause the loss of the held files.

John suggested trying that the old ‘spinrite’ program meant for hard drive disks and which I used back on my 386PC in the 1980-ties.>coffee time at 9:55am and done at 10:05. Later this aft Don and I meet up again after his trip to Saskatchewan, while I have some tapes to give him.

Writings: Considering rediscovered treasures:


~~Some comments an the floppy files that I discovered in the last few days.~~

I want to write a little on some of the image and document files I found on the old floppy (3-¼inch) disks. Some of the images I came across are from Krimpen NL, with Tom and our hosts at the time, while others are from Hilly and me in 2000 in Tofino, BC and in Zwolle, NL. There are photos of my brother’s family when they were here in ca 1983 and of John and Derrick in Halloween costumes ca 1981!

The document files contain my “Te Koop”, that is ‘For Sale’ announcement when I was clearing my Zeist NL apartment in October 2003. And then there are contemplative and diary type writings. Some date to my time in Zeist NL, while others are from the summer 2003 when I was here for the wedding of John and Tammy. I also found my first file written on my AST Advantage, my first laptop, dating to February of 1995! In it I relate why I bought that computer at that time!

I also found my first file written on my AST Advantage, my first laptop, dating to February of 1995!

Some of these documents and writings are quite interesting and I have a notion to make a collection of them and possibly post them on my website. I printed some and when reading them I am again struck with how some ideas keep recurring in my thought processes.

There seems to be gathering process going on in which important notions accumulate association around them. Then, when the time is right - that is when a crystallisation has taken place releasing held energies - they burst forth into conscious awareness as a new idea, I hope! I’ll let you know when this happens.:-)!
That’s it for now at 10:43am~

Daily Entry: 2016-04-19

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