, Monday. Overcast with much needed rain off and on.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Laundry Luther and Spinoza:


~~Regular weekend activities, but with a new book on the reformer to distract me!~~

Laundry’s first load is due in thirty minutes. The washer was still occupied with a done load at 9-am, so I gave it 45 minutes to clear. Which it did not. So, I put the done load on the dryer top as is customary in these situations. Part of the problem is that the washer door will not release when the wash cycle is done, unless you switch off the power of the machine.

This author sets Luther and the process of reformation in a historico-sociological perspective, which fascinates me.

My weekend consisted of a family visit, getting together with my friends at the Palliser, where Herman spoke on . The rest of my Sunday was spent on reading my new book "Brand Luther" by . This author sets Luther and the process of reformation in a historico-sociological perspective, which fascinates me. The printing presses then, functioned like the internet now, to spread the word. Well done, a worthy read.

Writings: Accepting life as mystery:


~~The idea emerges to let go of the higher power as a given and accept the mystery of existence in its stead.~~

The reading of Luther’s story held for me a promise of inspiration, though I had no idea about the content or the timing of such. Last night my thoughts turned again - as they so often have before - to the idea of ‘god’, ‘the most high’. Then to the more general idea of there being some higher power in the existence as we humans experience that.

If there is a ‘higher power’ it will become evident from our own experience, as the traditions of humanity teach us.

Even though all of humankind’s religious traditions share this notion of the ‘higher power’ in one form or another, it remains an ‘ascribed’ property to something presumed, but unknown. Albeit that humans have experienced the reality of such a possible power in reported revelations, which in many cases were meaningful and often life changing.

Continuing my thinking I considered the counter aspect of the ‘higher power’ idea by considering the minuteness and powerlessness of the human being over and against the power and beauty of nature and the awesome immensity of the universe. Even with all we now know about that today, we also know that we are just ‘scratching the surface’ so to speak cum write.

Then the intuitive awareness struck me that we know more about our modest human existence in all its minuteness and powerlessness, then we know about a ‘higher power’.

I have entertained this collection of thoughts many times over the years, never able to move beyond its bounds. We do not know much about this higher being I was thinking last night.

Then the intuitive awareness struck me that we know more about our modest human existence in all its minuteness and powerlessness, then we know about a ‘higher power’. So, why not start from the position of the human and acknowledge that we know little about the mystery of existence in which we live, work, think and investigate. Starting with our human situation as something we can know and study with good results.
[After some lunch, a load switch and with the last load in I'll round out the above new idea.]

By assuming that we humans live within the mystery, making discoveries on the go as we live, we then no longer have a need for a higher power that or who initiated the universe. We can assume that the mystery of existence has ‘always’ been, having no beginning and no end.

By assuming that we humans live within the mystery, making discoveries on the go as we live, we then no longer have a need for a higher power that or who initiated the universe.

Within this existence, knowing our own human traditions inclusive of the sciences, we are now able to look for the evidence of the ‘higher power’. We can now look for the instances of this ’higher power’ as it reveals itself to us, while we order and understand the world of our human experience. If there is a ‘higher power’ it will become evident from our own experience, as the traditions of humanity teach us.

Daily Entry: 2016-04-25

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