, Friday. Cloud shrouded sun, bright and seasonal.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Disruption days and copings:


~~Family life disrupted by company actions, beginning adaptations and early lilacs.~~

Yesterday was a day of disruption. The lunch John and I had scheduled was converted into a coffee at Purple Perk. This was not just a whimsical change on our part, but rather was caused by a disruption for my son on the day before - Wednesday that is.

It was yesterday morning breakfast time that he called me from Tammy’s phone. The message was an unpleasant and upsetting one in that he and his company parted company, at their initiative.
This is a very unexpected setback after about fourteen (14) years of service and a successful series of accomplishments, such as the Wifi and shomi projects. There is much to sort here and it will take some time to become refocused for my son, his family and myself.

‘Don’t let a good crisis go to waste‘ is the saying of a US mayor, which I translate in that this represents another challenge to overcome and help you learn and grow.

‘Don’t let a good crisis go to waste‘ is the saying of a US mayor, which I translate in that this represents another challenge to overcome and help you learn and grow. “Every set back has its plus side” as the late Dutch soccer coach proclaimed. After our coffee John was off to this weekend’s yearly ‘Comics’ show at the Stampede grounds, a good distraction from that mentioned disruption!

Little do they [the Lilacs] know, as they are about to make their flowery and fragrant show!

Later today my lunch with Herman still ‘stands’ and so do my taxes, with its forms still in their virginal state. No free-fall writing this morning, but this daily entry in its stead. And … today the last Friday of April with the Lilac flowers ready to blossom forth, while their festival still a month away! Little do they know, as they are about to make their flowery and fragrant show! With this ringing sentence I’ll move on to the writings part of my entry.

Writings: Pre and postmodern merged:


~~Using the process of discovery merging the pre-modern stories and the post-modern views into a common perspective.~~

Now 9:30am after a short coffee break. Every time I want to even think about my topic of intended expression, I am met with a ‘massa confusa’ as the Alchemists called that.

Actually the image of the cave of treasures that needs to be opened with a ‘secret’ word - the Sesame open thee - is a closer description. I have to arrive at this secret word and then the identity of the content I want to write about reveals itself! And … the word is … “discovery”!

Discovery is the secret unlocking word and ‘human handed down tradition’ is the content to which I intend to apply it.

Discovery is the secret unlocking word and ‘human handed down tradition’ is the content to which I intend to apply it. This was my insight some days ago when I wrote under the heading ‘Life as knowable mystery.’ At the time of writing, humanity’s journey started to look like a journey of discovery to me.

This in contrast to the many recorded stories, which tell of a higher power creates the heavens, the earth, plants, animals and with the human being. This human being is then charged or given the tasks to cultivate the earth and bring offerings to the creator god in obedience to his [sic] laws.

This generic description illustrates that humans saw their existence as one of service to a higher power and not as a journey of discovery within the mystery of their existence. There is no mystery of existence in these stories, because the existence of the creator god is a given.

However, though the position of the human is now meaningful, what is not known is the ‘will of god’. This in turn relates to how well human society functions and the occurrence of natural events. Are people living in harmony with the ’will of god’ as evident from good harvests and the absence of war and plagues or are people visited by misfortune and natural disasters?
Temple priests, oracles, prophets, the stars and bird flights are consulted to answer the question as to what people were to do about the misfortunes. In what way had people displeased god? That is where the mystery lies.

The creation stories then framed the existence of the human in a closed, set piece kind of world in which humans were to perform their called for tasks, seek out the ‘will of god’ and conduct them selves accordingly.

This set piece world is gone today with the postmodern realisation that ‘the big stories have come to an end’.

This set piece world is gone today with the postmodern realisation that ‘the big stories have come to an end’. “What’s next?”, we should and do ask. Well, if the stories are gone, the mystery of our existence is back in full force, because existence as such, is not necessary. Now the mystery is back with the question: “Why is there any existence at all?”

The pre-modern stories in the religions show us that humans were able to discern ‘the will of god’. This points to the ‘know-ability’ of the mystery. It is here that the idea of ‘discovery’ comes in, because we can apply discovery to the ‘knowable’ aspect of the mystery of existence.

This higher power we now recognise as the mystery and the revelation - the knowable - becomes the discovery, idea or insight or just plain discovery, period.

In the stories of human heritage - such as religions among others - this ‘knowable aspect’ is experienced as a revelation by the higher power. This higher power we now recognise as the mystery and the revelation - the knowable - becomes the discovery, idea or insight or just plain discovery, period.

This is the mystery that is knowable and making it known is our modern human discovery. One little bit at a time, as much as we can comprehend at once. That is what makes the journey of us humans in the totality of ‘Existence Divine’ meaningful, as we make our unique human contribution, exploring and discovering all that is possible within the realm of humanity.

Daily Entry: 2016-04-29

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