, Monday. Overcast, windy, cool yet seasonal.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Mother day and affirmation:


~~Mother day theme is prominent, contacts with family and friends and morning musings.~~

Last Sunday - Mother’s Day, yesterday - was cool with some sun, but today we have to be satisfied with about 7dC. However, we did get some welcome rain last night, perfectly timed at that. I met with my friends at the Palliser and on Saturday I visited with John and Annie, bringing a card and roses for mother Tammy.

I also talked to Derrick - now Metta - for quite a while. He’s doing o.k. but building up some cliental for his counselling is proving to be a challenge and may take a few years.

This morning on awaking I had an interesting realisation that attitude follows affirmation.

This morning on awaking I had an interesting realisation that attitude follows affirmation. This is related to my morning affirmation that I practice three times over. I have done now for some time and constitutes a concise formulation of what I belief at this time in my life.

This weekend, however was spent under a ’cloud of unknowing’ - see writings below - and was not productive in spite of my intention. Last night I wrote a bit on this and this morning’s realisation relates to it as well.

Writings: Religious update:


~~Last night’s writings on religion for our time and some comments on expressing ideas into words.~~

Below follows the writing of last night, which I mentioned in the diary section above. It is a bit rough and searching, but it does bring me a step closer to what I want to express. Here it is:

Sunday, May 8, 2016 and Mother’s day; 8:47pm and in my newly upholstered easy chair. We are having a nice little shower – outside – much needed and more. I’m using my Asus tablet to record this document being in a mood of ‘not knowing’ and yet wanting to make action. In this search I asked: ‘Why not try my Atab for a change’. This may remove the ‘cloud of unknowing’ as the Jungian analyst named it – in around 1980. But this is not what I want to write about. The subject of my intention is not recording daily moods and events, but is of a philosophical and religious nature. So, I’ll give that a try.

Religious Update.

Humanity is transitioning from the ‘Big Stories’ of the created and set world view to one of ‘Self Discovery’ in the totality of existence, a knowable mystery which I have called ‘Existence Divine’. This transition moves us slowly and relentlessly towards a place where we humans form our own story based on our discoveries, which does include the Big Stories, but now as discoveries of a specific kind.

This perspective has the potential to accommodate all the various human religious traditions, our modern sciences and our human cultural diversity.

This perspective has the potential to accommodate all the various human religious traditions, our modern sciences and our human cultural diversity. Each one of these belief frameworks can now be viewed as specific path of discoveries that let a specific people to frame their own experience world. Seen in this way will allow us to require some accommodation from each such specific world view in order to work together with a minimum of friction and conflict; not more than can be regulated as in a judicial state of law, order and good government. <9:50pm~
END of insert; file name on Asus tablet: Sunday160508.docx


This statement was gestating all weekend and finally was ready to be expressed as given above. As a relating comment, it always amazes me that what I have in mind to say comes out so different once put into words. Maybe such a worded version is only an approximation of what I entertain in my thoughts and that more is to follow some other time. This creative process of formation in the head and the subsequent expression of it into words, image, song or composition is maybe just one aspect, like the a single sparkling facet of the diamond, one at a time.

Daily Entry: 2016-05-09

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