, Wednesday. Clear, sunny and seasonal temps.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Potpourri:


~~Visits, books, a play and cleaning all fit into my report today.~~

Today’s planned visit with Juliet was cancelled by her on account of appointments and I was not able to come one of the remaining weekdays, so we’ll see each other in an other week.

However, Don and I did meet yesterday and he handed me for my perusal an official copy of the ‘’ [USA], Bible to wit the Smithsonian edition no less. It has a third party introduction called ‘History’, which is where I’ll be doing most of my perusals.

Don was so kind to drive me home, so that I could return to him the heavy early reprint edition he’d lent me. Thanks Don. And the ride gave me a chance to say hello to Don’s four footed friend Patches!

The prospect of perusing Don's Smithsonian edition of Jefferson's (US) Bible.

Yesterday morning the floors of the kitchen and bathroom got washed and as well as their floor mats, which were dry this morn … almost. In the evening, before midnight, I duly completed the census as an obedient citizen. I gladly do it really, because I am thankful for having become a Canadian. ‘There is no place I’d rather be’, to paraphrase Ontario’s car license plate slogan!

Today, with no visit to Juliet, I plan to clear my living room table of all the ‘papers’ I let accumulate on it. This will take a bit of judiciousness, as the bedroom has its own stacks of papers I’m sorting through. So, I wish my self fortitude, patience and some good luck to get it all done. I know it will make me feel better.

Shirley phoned last night to let me know that she was able to get us tickets for the play on C.S. Lewis, which is coming up next week. We always enjoy our cultural outings and each other’s company at such occasions, so I’m looking forward to it.

Writings: Making change religiously:


~~Exploring how to identify needed changes in world religions.~~

I am starting to focus on my upcoming talk of June 12 titled "Adding to Old Teachings I”, which will address Christianity. The following talk will deal with additions to the other world religions.

It is my contention that these traditions all need additions in order for them to function fruitfully in our modern global community. Those old traditions are not going away, because they do fulfill essential functions, but they also need to adapt and we don’t want to go to war over it.

Those old traditions are not going away, because they do fulfill essential functions, but they also need to adapt and we don’t want to go to war over it.

This little statement fits nicely with my writings of yesterday, where I make clear what is my purpose in my searching and writing. A message is emerging, as I look back over my related activities during the many years that now appear in my rear view mirror! As long as a clearly stated message emerges, I will feel that I’ve accomplished my task! This is a bit heavy, but is genuinely felt.

Regarding both these talks, I intend to use the afore mentioned idea of ‘discovery’ to frame some of the essential early teachings of Christianity. Then, look at the outcome of these teaching over time and how they shaped Western society today. Lastly identify what needs to change and added for Christianity to function alongside other belief and value frameworks in our global community.

So far I have identified charity, equality, autonomy and forgiveness as ‘discoveries’ made by Christianity and added to society at the time. These discoveries shaped our Western Christian culture. We now must identify the additions and changes required to facilitate accommodating other cultural value and belief systems.

Here we need to ask what it is, that we in the West assume as a given, but which is not so accepted by others and may even grate and offend them. We need to look at the shadow we cast with our cultural values onto others and examine the way we insist on change by them rather than change ourselves.

This describes the process that I plan to use and then to give it content and substance in its application to Christianity.<10:01am~

Daily Entry: 2016-05-11

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