, Thursday. Overcast, cold with showers.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Updates writings and readings:


~~A heavy ‘date’ for my laptop this morning, postponed visit, Enlightenment addressed and more ‘Congo’ reading.~~

My trusty Toshiba had over29k updates to work through this morning, after which it went into meditation. This was followed by a request to wait as it was updating windows it said. Doing so, I recalled going for a coffee while my 1980 PC - 286 would ‘boot up’; there were no updates back then when the personal computers were still ‘stand alone’. Today we still wait when starting, whether human or computer:-)!

Yesterday I did get a call from Juliet letting me know she had some other appointments and we agreed to check today. However, this evening Shirley and I will see the ‘C.S. Lewis play’, which may interfere with a Juliet visit. Friday is also booked, so we’ll have to see.

But there is an additional aspect regarding the origin of authority in our handed down human traditions.

I did get to finish my writings on ’Enlightenment’ yesterday. But there is an additional aspect regarding the origin of authority in our handed down human traditions. This I will have to address in the next few days and may even start with that in my writings of today.

I am continuing to read in my current book ‘Congo’ and have come to the time of its gaining independence from Belgium. Known names such as Lumumba and are now emerging into ’s account of those events leading up to 1960.

Writings: Sourcing human authority:


~~Exploring and defining the grounds of human authority within our own existence.~~

Regarding the question of the origin of authority in human existence that would fit our modern situation I formulated the following this morning:

“The human is accountably sovereign within the realm of humanity within Existence Divine.”

This accountability is with regard to our own traditions, the outcome of our behaviours and the overall well being of our community. All this is within the human realm, precluding the notion that human sovereignty would apply to all that exists. That would take us outside our human realm into the mystery of existence, knowable though it be, but remaining a mystery never the less.

You can’t even say that the mystery is sovereign, because that would limit it. As humans we can discover aspects about the mystery through our insights and revelations and the aspect of sovereignty is there, but as aspect only. But it is this discoverable aspect ‘sovereignty’ that we can then know and apply in our human realm.

Human traditions have a record of this sovereignty coming into expression in their various forms of authority, as we know these. The different expressions of authority suited the particular situations, depending on time, place, people and circumstance.

This applies today as well, as we search for our modern sense of that authority as rooted in our sovereignty as humans within the realm of our existence.

In this regard, we may note that our accountability now includes the well being of our planet and its various spheres.

In this regard, we may note that our accountability now includes the well being of our planet and its various spheres. The ‘earth and all there is in it’ - Genesis 1&2 - used to be the Creator’s responsibility, but today we humans now have to live with the results of our way of ‘having dominion’ over all this. One such outcome is pollution of land, sea and air. This is an outcome for which we are accountable according to our own standards. It is in this manner that the accountability of our sovereignty comes into play!
It is not the only one, as we well know.

Daily Entry: 2016-05-19

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