, Tuesday. Clear, sunny and still cool, with better forecast.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Daily activities and restored service:


~~Coffee at Beano after a cold and windy walk, black ink bought, a free paper and services restored.~~

Yesterday Elisabeth and I met at the Beano for coffee and a chat, with my turn to treat. It was not overly busy and we had choices to sit. From there I stopped by at London Drugs for a black ink cartridge (40$) and a 9 volt battery for the ceiling fire alarm. At UPS I picked up a free National Post and proceeded home.

The Shaw service was still down, so no call to my sis, but had some lunch with a snooze in the aft. Later on the Shaw service came up; it had been down due to a power pole problem a block away from here. The afternoon was spent in contemplative rest, as I still ‘digested’ my insight of the day before.

It [CBC] had a moving report on a Syrian family settling into their new Canadian home and country - a family of seven or eight no less!

In the evening I posted my Daily Entry and watched CBC’s National. It had a moving report on a Syrian family settling into their new Canadian home and country - a family of seven or eight no less! It brought back memories of my own early Canadian days back in 1959/60 as a bachelor though:-)!

I did call my sister, but she has a room full of friends, so we agreed to connect later today, but at least I conveyed my best wishes. Time for the missed part of my writings of yesterday and today’s addition.

Writings: Discovering new perspectives:


~~Discovering focus and perspective by combining recent concepts - reconciliation - with some much earlier ones - Existence Divine.~~

All ready last Sunday did I realise that the concept of ‘Existence Divine’ would make for a natural fit with the idea of ‘reconciliation of religions’. I know that this will take some work, but the principle of accommodation is inherent to the Existence Divine.

Yesterday’s contemplation resulted in my becoming aware of supportive forces and images confirming the value of the insight of last Sunday morning. This has now become an idea worthy of commitment and pursuance for me.

During my breakfast coffee this morning I gave some further thought to all that passed the review. This led me to the conviction of making my upcoming talk on additions to Christianity the first application of these ideas. How to do that? ‘Apply what you know already’ was the notion that I got as a response, implied with it the notion of ‘Concept Space’. This is something I have written about not too long ago.

An example such an independent concept for Christianity would be the idea and value of ‘charity.'

A concept space identifies the independent ideas that underpin a reference framework such as a religion or an ideology. Such frameworks structure the daily experience of the ’believer’ or holder a conviction. An example such an independent concept for Christianity would be the idea and value of ‘charity’. A second example is that of ’identity’ that each belief system defines for its particular community and individual member, that is its ‘believer’ or adherent.

Tall this taken together, leaves me with a feeling of satisfaction in that my various ad hoc writings over time, such as Existence Divine, concept space, adequacy, robustness and comprehensiveness, now can be put to an application. This application being the reconciliation of religions - and I may add belief systems in general - while honouring their unique characteristic aspects and values.

This in turn find support in my overall conclusion based on my studies over the last decades. It is that human traditions will not disappear in our converging world, but rather are insisting on their inherent value and contributions to our world community.

All these various human identities are acquiring additional importance as our world traditions are coming face to face. Consequently we as humans will have to recognise that our way forward is one of mutual accommodation and reconciliation of these existing believes and value frameworks. And now I’ll have to make my next talk “Adding to Old Teachings I” a demonstration project in combining these new insights! Not simple!

Daily Entry: 2016-05-31

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