, Tuesday. Clouds, clearings, some sum, some rain and warm. Summer is here and we’re enjoying it.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Computer and political foibles talk prep and visits:


~~My computer is undergoing diagnosis, as is the UK’s "dog’s" Breaxit. I shift my talk study to include Islam and Buddhism as planned and prepare for visits.~~

My ‘Tony_Built3’ computer is in the line up at the repair place for diagnostics to the tune of 55$$. My estimate of the repair parts alone is about 350$$, with labour to be added. I should know by Thursday. Yesterday I took the 8:30am bus to take my old power supply to Memory Express so as to get it there in time before the repair process starts. I use the same bus route I use to get to the Blackfoot.

The weekend was normal except for the political upheaval in the UK, if there still is such a unit. The dust on this ‘Brexit’ vote has not yet settled and won’t for some time to come. It does signal change, redefinition and realignment of politics and priorities for the UK and the EU.

This time people were swayed by populist politicians seeking their own aggrandizement, while building on sensed disenchantment, without offering a way forward. It is a debacle of governance all around.

More influence and involvement of the citizens who have to become better informed about their real interests. This time people were swayed by populist politicians seeking their own aggrandizement, while building on sensed disenchantment, without offering a way forward. It is a debacle of governance all around.

My preparations for the August talk have shifted from ’s ‘The Hindus’ to some other sources. From Doniger I learned that the Hindu culture and society is much interwoven with its long religious history preserving its beginnings and its additions to the point of becoming congested and self-hypnotised. I am now getting some different input from ‘A Survey of Hinduism’ by as well as others.

I also dug up my books on Islam and Buddhism, which now form a pile beside my newly upholstered easy chair. I have some basic notions of what needs to be added to each of the just mentioned religions, but will need some material to test my ideas and collect support these views, which I have yet to express explicitly.

I am awaiting the car2go identity card, so that I do not have to be close to an open wifi in order to open the reserved car. It should arrive any day after tomorrow. Thursday I am treating John to the promised Father’s day beer and tomorrow I expect to visit Juliet again to help her with the last chapter of her ‘My Story’.

Writings: Added teachingsII outlined:


~~I make a first attempt at expressing the basic concepts for my upcoming talk in August.~~

My upcoming talk “Adding to Old Teachings II” has the Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim religions as subject. My approach parallels that of my foregoing talk, which had Christianity as subject. It is that each religion needs to make two common additions and one specific one each to facilitate mutual acceptance.

The two common additions are for one that each needs to accept the existence of the others and secondly that each needs to recognise our common human origin and the findings of modern science. These two additions lay the foundation of common ground on which we can meet and learn to work together.

The third additional teaching is specific for each religion and it is this part that I have not yet fully formulated. However, in order to work towards a formulation I will describe my basic notions about such specific additional teachings.

Hinduism rich in tradition though it is, has become entangled in its own complexity.

Hinduism rich in tradition though it is, has become entangled in its own complexity. As a consequence it tends to circumambulate the adaptations that it should make and so avoids making the necessary modifications to its own traditions. This is a problem for Hinduism itself to solve, but possibly with help from new ideas of others.

Buddhism looks inward for solutions to the human situation and tends to be world shy.

Buddhism looks inward for solutions to the human situation and tends to be world shy. It gives the impression of being afraid to have its valuable and valued inner peace disturbed. There is also peace outside Buddhism and that needs to be given a place; the outer world is not all threat, but offers much enrichment.

Islam has a memory that is very short when compared to that of Hinduism and tends to be even ahistorical at times.

Islam has a memory that is very short when compared to that of Hinduism and tends to be even ahistorical at times. It entertains a perception of being sufficient in its self contained teaching that claim to be sufficient for all. However it is reluctant to entertain its own origins and the times leading up to its formation. Making room for such historical times of development would allow it today to make the required adaptations in response to our changing inter religious relations.

Daily Entry: 2016-06-28

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