While writing on Trump’s speech last Friday, I forgot to mention his clear and repeated remarks about ‘the system being rigged’. This constitutes treason in a way, because we all know that the power system in any one country is imperfect. For an public figure like Trump to actually align his forces against this is very unusual, because most of the time the ‘other party’ is depicted as the bad guy, but not the system as such.
Listening to Sanders’ speech last night I noticed that he too is railing against ‘the system’ similar to Trump’s stand, in part. Sanders differs from Trump in that he calls for his followers and the Clinton group to pull together to aim for a fix.
I suspect that Sanders used that leak and applied his Jewish know how, to wrest extra concessions …
This became clear as Sanders ran down some major points of the US-Democratic party platform. It contained some surprises - waived student tuition fees for example, which may have been put in to control the damage of the leaked emails. I suspect that Sanders used that leak and applied his Jewish know how, to wrest extra concessions from the Clinton group, before lending support in his speech.
All such proposed measures have to be approved by a bargain haunted US-congress, which is difficult even when both side are of the same party. However, Sanders’ call for making common cause within the US-Democrats sounds a whole lot more palatable than Trump’s rant like declarations of intent, without cement to hold it together. Trump’s is a platform of loose planks, which are bound to trip one up, to put it succinctly.
I started following US politics with the battle between Nixon and Kennedy and have never followed the events leading up to that final combat, except for this year. I even followed some of the primaries this time and now the conventions too yet.
There is a political revolution going on this time with the Republican establishment left out in the cold …
There is a political revolution going on this time with the Republican establishment left out in the cold and the Democrat powers that be, trying to contain a groundswell form within, forcing mid course corrections.
The US-Democrats are trying to stay united, while accommodating the same new political forces that have split the US-Republican party. The latter having shown during the Obama years that they are compromise shy and bully bound.
I tend to favour the US-Democrats, but I want to see how well Clinton-Rodham comes across in her final acceptance speech. Can she come out from behind her well practiced mask and show genuine cause over and above her manoeuvring ways? Coming Thursday will tell the tale.