, Thursday. Sunny with high clouds and cool, no wind.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Car2tow pub survey and orations:


~~Towing time for my car, birthday venue planning and ’s speech.~~

Well this is my own car to go day. Yesterday I called Allen & Sons for a pickup by the tow truck and today is the day for that. I’ll have to make my way back using the 409 bus to Anderson.

This eve Shirley and I will do the birthday pub venue evaluation and maybe even share supper on Forth here, but that is my last minute thought.
Yesterday Juliet asked me not to come over as she was not feeling well. This was not all together unexpected, but is a bit disconcerting making me wonder whether she’ll be able to conclude her story.

Last night I watched most of Obama’s speech as he focussed on the positive side of the accomplishments and abilities of the USA, also known as ‘-mArica’. And of course he also unreservedly endorsed Hilary Clinton Rodham. She will need that support and that of her husband Bill to hold off Trump, because her TV and public appeal is not strong.

The convention of the US-Democrats so far this week reminds me of what the world sees as the American promise for this planet, ‘an imperfect marksman, but aiming for the good‘.

I say that Obama and Trump are examples of positive thinking and negative thinking in action. It is a good thing that we have Obama to counter Trump’s negativity, reminding us last night that though things are not perfect, they can be improved as the record shows.

It was encouraging to watch him return to his ‘audacity of hope’ message from more that eight (8) years ago. The convention of the US-Democrats so far this week reminds me of what the world sees as the American promise for this planet, ‘an imperfect marksman, but aiming for the good‘.

Writings: Healing sadness:


~~I describe my discovery of how to heal my sadness.~~

Yesterday, I was not done dealing with my sadness. After acquiring my new insights I started to realise that I have to do a healing of these now identified experiences and their outcomes. To heal that sadness has now become an activity for me, using the New Thought ideas that I have learned over the years since 1982. New Thought and Positive Thought go hand in hand with the ’make-ability’ that is so typical of the ‘New World’ thinking and attitudes.

New Thought and Positive Thought go hand in hand with the ’make-ability’ that is so typical of the ‘New World’ thinking and attitudes.

It is that ‘self-made man’ notion that today should be called ‘self-made person’ which as aspiration motivates personal and social action in our immigration based society. So, I concurred with this insight that it is now up to me to heal that sadness, not displace it, but assimilate it as part of my life experience.

This morning I added that it is through love that this healing has to come. It is for me to take this sad infant, being myself, lovingly in my arms and walk down that long echoing hallway out of that hospital where I was kept in this desolation of isolation so long ago. And as I do so, tell my child self - from the Inner Child seminars in 1991 - that this is what is happening and that the old sadness emotive power can now be released and let go.

It is this fundamental and private action that is the mechanism of personal growth.

Such a process is something one needs to repeat, for it to be effective. Over time this feeling of sadness will be triggered again, maybe through unrelating events. But associated events, because of the still only partially assimilated sadness. It is analogous to training the body to maintain muscle tone or to achieve a training goal.

Practice makes perfect, was the adage we used at times in teaching situations. It is this fundamental and private action that is the mechanism of personal growth. It is the place where ‘the rubber meets the road’ as that old saying expresses so clearly.

Daily Entry: 2016-07-28

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