, Friday. Sunny and clear, cool with wind.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Car gone venue chosen and Hillary speaks:


~~Swan song for my Buick, a venue selected in comfort and comments on Hillary’s address~~

Here we are, the last Daily Entry for July already and with the August Civic Holiday this coming Monday we’ll be celebrating our Mid-Summer fest. Since I’ll become eighty years of age this coming month I am extra aware of this steady march of time!

Yesterday became indeed the day in which I accompanied the tow truck driver to the last resting place of my Buick LeSabre Limited. It had been my car since April 17, 2008, at which date I bought it from Ron Watkins when he still lived in Roxborough, across the river from Mission.

Oddly enough though the car served me well, I feel relieved to have let go of it.

I made about ten out of town trips with it in Alberta and two to visit Derrick cum Metta and my friend on the Vancouver Island. The second and last one was in 2013, when I returned a few days before the big flood that spring.

Oddly enough though the car served me well, I feel relieved to have let go of it. I think that is because I know I will not be making long road trips anymore and now no longer have the expense of maintaining it. I get along o.k. with transit, car2go, taxi and the occasional ride of friend. All in all I feel this morning that I made the right move yesterday making that trip to the ‘Allen & Sons’ yard. My blessings to the Buick I say and my thanks for fine service!

Yesterday evening Shirley came over to help with my birthday venue scouting. This took place in the James on Fourth pub, because of the rain, while we enjoyed a beer in the Guinness alcove. We tried it with the curtains closed, which cuts out the harshness of the bar screen tv-s.

While sipping our beers I related the other venues I’d inspected earlier this week. Both John and I all ready felt that James would be best and Shirley made it unanimous. Thanks for the help Shirley and it was good to have a long visit again to catch up on ‘things’.

Shirley came over to my place to listen to Hillary’s speech, but we were too late to hear her daughter’s introduction. Hillary’s presentation style is like a lecture about a plan she has as president if elected. It did not have that emotional fervour that Trump, Sanders and Obama displayed. Not every body has the gift of inspiring a crowd and Hillary is more effective on the personal level I read. So be it. It was a significant and convincing presentation all the same. And most importantly, Hillary countered Trump’s negative play with very effective counter points and facts he likes to waltz over. So power to her I say and I hope she takes the ticket.

Daily Entry: 2016-07-29

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