Yesterday was Civic Holiday and I honour the holidays by skipping the usual and doing something different. So, yesterday I phoned my brother Okkie and his wife, still on account of her earlier birthday. In the aft I walked over to the new ice cream store on 17th ave where I stood in line to spend my money!
As I waited there for Elisabeth to come by, I read this week’s Time magazine, which had several background articles on Trump himself and his family. When Elisabeth arrived I joined her for my second ice cream! She told me about her visit to the bird sanctuary, which is for free and passed on some comments about last Sunday’s Palliser meeting which I chaired. Gabriella spoke there on gratitude at this well attended meeting.
She based her message on Byrne’s book ‘The Magic’, supplementing is with examples from her own life experience. However the 35 minute estimate was exceeded running passed the tape length of 45 minutes. Fortunately I had heeded my intuition and brought my digital recorder, which can and did record for the full length of the presentation. So’ I’ll have to do my regular copy and past operation to the tape’s B-side.
The above report was interrupted with a call from my sister Els, which is always welcome, but moved the clock’s hands about an hour’s worth of time! This while my computer patiently waits for my further thoughts and remarks.
She had made several products using 3D-computer printing techniques and had assembled a miniature model of early steam pump for water; all quite impressive.
Last Friday afternoon I joined John to attend Annie’s workshop closing day at Sait. She had made several products using 3D-computer printing techniques and had assembled a miniature model of early steam pump for water; all quite impressive. It has a very short stroke, but a large diameter displacement cylinder and as was used in Holland for the Haarlemmer Lake reclamation ca 1840.
There were about twenty such groups presenting their different projects in this modern Sait venue giving it the ambience of a big market fair.