, Thursday. Overcast and cool after a nice sunny and warm spell!

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Catchup diary and Juliet:


~~I bridge the daily entries gap following my birthday! And relate Metta’s and my visit with Juliet.~~

Here I am again, after a short hiatus of my regular entrees, but not without any entries. Every night a wrote a short day-end note in the small log book that Shirley gave me for my birthday last Sunday. This is my first computer entry again since last Friday.

Metta - formerly Derrick - arrived Friday evening as planned after a long trip from Vancouver. His welcome visit changed my daily pattern a bit, so I made night entries for some days. The two of us are quite busy with activities and visits, such as Sarah, Jack, Edward and Tammy, Adrian and a long visit with Juliet yesterday afternoon. It developed in a very animated discussion and sharing of stories between Metta and Juliet. A unique encounter I would say.

After this visit Metta and I had dinner - thanks Metta for the tasty treat - as the ‘Seven Spice’ on 2nd Ave and 7th SW street, a unique Pakistani restaurant.

After this visit Metta and I had dinner - thanks Metta for the tasty treat - as the ‘Seven Spice’ on 2nd Ave and 7th SW street, a unique Pakistani restaurant that opens at 5pm. We had first visited the Buddhist Temple as 9th street and 4th Ave, but it had no open doors, so Metta took a shot of the bulletin sheet. After dinner we rushed home, got Metta packed in time to go to his meditation, after which he was off for a few days to Edward and Tammy.

Today I plan to catch my breath a bit and start thinking about the party on Saturday with friends and family. I also want to give some thought to what theme I want to develop for my talks and studies after last Sunday’s talk. I have a notion to close off my circumambulations and explorations and instead focus on the formulation of a comprehensive messag that takes in most of the ideas and insights that have formed for me over the years. But, this is a material for the ‘writings’, where I hope to discuss this further in the near future.

Later today I also have to copy, splice and paste my digital talk record and prepare the analogue tape copy for Herman’s CLEC (Calgary Life Enrichment Centre) hearers. And then there is also my walk, the paper and emails, so of I go shortly.
<8:47, continuing below at 10:44am>

Writings: My conviction found:


~~I locate some handwritten pages in the silk road narrow notebook that express my conviction.~~

On my walk I took along my ’paperblanks vert silk road note book’ which deals with “Existence Divine”. Once at the Savour coffee stop I read pp 129-132 of which 130 and 131 are left blank by ‘oversight‘? Reading the entry for Sunday the 7th this instance (August) I said to myself walking away as I left: “This is the message or theme that I’m looking for. This says it all!” In other words there is not need to look else where or to find a better suited formulation. It is all there.

This is the message or theme that I’m looking for. This says it all!

Once home I did some dishes, made a phone call and coffee. During the coffee break I browsed back from this last entry to 08-05 and later to 2015-12- 15 and 12 on pages 122 - 128. Reading these, I note that they focus on the common theme of my understanding of human life within Existence Divine. In the next few day I plan to type these pages into this record, in turn using them as a base to formulate my ‘message’, that is my understanding about the human situation.

Daily Entry: 2016-08-18

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