Yesterday I did finalise the write up for my talk, printed the BBC article on the proposed ‘Anthropocene’ geological age or stage. After supper Michelle took us to Ikea at my request and as response to her offer to do so.
We spent almost three hours in the store, which included a quick dinner on Michelle’s part, while I bought us coffee and I tried a new desert. Take a bow Michelle for being such a good neighbour and patient shopping companion:-)!
Take a bow Michelle for being such a good neighbour and patient shopping companion!
I restocked my candle supply, which was down to half a candle and bought some cushions, bed sheets and a wall clock. The latter old one had given out some time ago, after fifteen years of service. It was the peeling dial parts that stopped the hands from moving and had turned it into an eyesore. And not to forget, I also acquired a old fashion styled alarm clock with a ringer on top! No electronics here, but it does require a battery; winding a spring is a step too retro!
A ringer alarm clock,no electronics here, but it does require a battery; winding a spring is a step too retro!
Later on today lunch with Herman, who has his birthday today and work on my birthday photos, which I uploaded yesterday to my desktop from the Windows phone. The 743 photos almost filled up the regular memory, which is now empty. I used Photo Elements to get the phone photos over, as this software organises the photos in date labelled folders.
It this point Windows kicked me off and shut down for an update, but this entry was saved, though the process was a bit rude.