, Monday. Clear, sun shining and 1dC overnight, with our building heat still off! Shame on Peter the house-boss.

I hope you enjoy reading

Diary: Weekend activities:


~~Neighbourly ice cream, family visit and meeting friends at the Palliser.~~

Here we are with the one of the decimal count in today’s date, which means that one third of the month is already behind us, with autumn laying in wait, ten days from now. By mid October most leaves will be off the deciduous trees, which is good for their own survival as tree. Snow on leafy branches, breaks them.

Snow on leafy branches, breaks them!

This past Saturday I had coffee with John and Annie, who came my way and went on to visit ‘Mom’, which is my former wife, who has settled in Bowness, being a year in Calgary now. In the evening Michelle drove us to ‘Village Ice cream’ where I bought us a cup of cold tasty stuff. We always have lots to talk about and with the nice weather it gave us a nice break from being solitaire.

On Sunday it was the Palliser, where Dorothy spoke and I looked after the arranging of things. The attendance was minimal, but Ken and Larry showed, while Leila was early enough to help me with the setup, with Hanna and Ed completing the audience.
I walked both ways to the Palliser, loosening up some stiff muscles from being too cold overnight I suspected. I made sure I was warmer last night and that has made a difference.

Writings: Making peace and exploring hints:


~~I comment around the new peace plan for Syria and explore ways forward in my Search of the Sacred.~~

Last Friday night I was surprised by the news of a Peace plan addressing the Syrian conflict, brokered by the dominant powers with interests in the region, Russia and USA to wit. Today at noon Mountain time this cease fire is to take effect. That is just three hours from now! After five years of war, great devastation, millions displaced and half a million dead you can ask: ‘What drives humans to go through such extremes before we can talk about our differences?’

What drives humans to go through such extremes before we can talk about our differences?

The Congo conflict a few years ago counted six million people dead, but Syria was closer to the sphere of Western awareness and its commercial news outlets! Happenings in Africa and certain Asian regions barely register on our Western event horizon, except when we talk about epidemics and doing 'good'!

So, I suppose we must not just look at the severity of the conflict, but also at our historical ties to the region of the conflict. “The shirt is closer than the overcoat” says a transliterated Dutch saying, characterising such situations.

Moreover, the following June I held my talk “In Search of the Sacred” …

This morning a small book fell off its shelve when I was adjusting the bedroom blinds. ‘Hey, this wants my attention’, was my reaction! It is titled “Seeking the Sacred” and now lies beside me as I type. On the first page in I wrote my name and date of purchase Spring 2006, which is also its publication date!
Moreover, the following June I held my talk “In Search of the Sacred”, which marked the beginning of my ‘Existence Divine’ insight and its subsequent developments.

All this is interesting to me, because I am searching again, now that I have come to the end of that ten year journey with my talk last August. ‘Where and in which manner do I go from here?’ This I ask myself, preparing for my November 13 talks, which will be a bridge head for what is to follow.

I read I few lines during my morning coffee and those first lines by beckon me make a start with them. Such intuitions should always be explored, as they often lead from one thing to another, engaging you in that process, which leads you on to an yet hidden objective! This sounds like a mystery novel and in this regard I recall that ‘Existence Divine’ is a mystery for us humans to know and explore!
<9:31am and 9:51am~

Daily Entry: 2016-09-12

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